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(I have a question for you guys at the end in bold. It would help me out a lot if you answered it! Thanks frens.)

Josh's POV

Things, for the most part, had gone back to normal between Lynn and I. School was a little tough for her after what happened her first day, but she was getting through it. Either way, we'd fallen back into a routine. Lynn would come home from school, do homework while I practiced, occasionally ask questions. Once she finished homework and I finished practicing we'd try (in vain) to cook dinner. Sometimes we burned it so badly we'd just order Chinese food (which turns out to be a favorite of Lynn's) and eat it while watching The X-Files.

I was a little more than excited when I got her hooked on the show. I watched it all the time as a little kid with my dad, and it felt oddly comforting to pass that down to Lynn.

The week was slowly coming to an end, and so was the break from tour. Granted, we had until next week on Wednesday, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't know what I was going to do about Lynn. Ms.Ricks was thinking about it, too. A lot.

She called a lot more frequently, and each day her tone became more stern and urgent. I knew fully well that I had to make a definite decision soon. Extremely soon. I was only going to be able to foster Lynn for another month, and if I wanted to be her legal guardian up to the cut-off date, I had to be able to carry out a few things.

First, I had to be able to keep her in school somehow. Online school was definitely an option, but Ms.Ricks wasn't exactly all for it when she was coming back so soon. Second, I had to be able to have a sit-down meeting with Ms.Ricks and Lynn, also not possible while on tour, where I would sign some more papers and Ms.Ricks would make sure that Lynn was well taken care of.

I talked to Tyler about it over lunch one day.

"I've thought of everything," I sighed. "There's just no way to make it work. But I want it to work. I really want it to work."

Tyler nodded knowingly, biting his lip for a second and putting his burrito down. "Josh, I know you do. I do, too. But at this point you have to think about what's best for Lynn," he leaned forward ever-so-slightly on his elbows. "What do you think is best for her?"

I put my face in my hands. "I don't know," I said breathlessly. I looked back up at him, "She needs a real family. She deserves a real family."

"And she can't get that like this," Tyler admitted somberly.

"But I want her to be able to," I urged. "She feels like family, Tyler. You can't just let family go."

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"I'm saying I think I want to adopt Lynn," I placed the words carefully. It seemed so much more real as soon as I said it out loud.

Tyler smiled softly, "I want you to, too." His smile faded, "But how can we make that work? She's a kid, Josh. We're touring all over the country, and soon the world. It isn't just about what I want or what you want. This is her life we're talking about."

I looked down at my food, which suddenly seemed less appealing, as my heart dropped into my stomach. "I know. I'll figure it out."


I finished practicing once Lynn finished her homework.

"I have a question," I started.

She looked up at me, her bright green eyes widening under stray strands of chestnut hair. "Hm?"

"Have you been roller skating before?"

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