sick day

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Lynn's POV

The day after the Grammies, we stayed in New York to celebrate. The day was one of the best I had ever had. Josh and I dressed the same, in our 'I WANT TO BELIEVE' shirts we bought a few days earlier. And, in order to get me to wear my glasses, I made him wear his, too. We had the same frames - huge, circular ones with thin black borders. We went to Times Square like that, with Jenna and Tyler, and went in and out of huge stores and restaurants that sold weird food you'd see on an Instagram model's (or Jenna's) feed.

We ended up stopping, after lunch, at an ice cream place that sold huge soft serve cones the size of my arm. Josh got chocolate and I got vanilla, which, of course, promoted an argument.

"But vanilla's so boring," Josh criticized, whilst eating his ice cream.

"Vanilla is a go-to, it's good and is always good. Vanilla is for the people with good taste," I countered, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh please," Josh laughed, eyes squinting. "You don't know what good ice cream is! There are so many flavors and choose vanilla!"

"Excuse me this is great ice cream," I took a pointed lick of my ice cream and continued with a full mouth. "And it's better than all of those other stupid concoctions."

"Which is why you just go for chocolate!"

"You got mad at me for saying that exact thing about vanilla!"

Tyler intercepted our heated argument by laughing, "I never realized how absolutely alike you two are."

Josh and I looked at each other in confusion, then looked back to Tyler and asked at the same time, "What?"

Tyler cracked up a little, so Jenna continued for him. "Yeah, you guys have the same hair color, you guys act the same way, you guys get heated over the same things..." Jenna smiled softly, taking in both of us, "you even smile the same way."

"Really?" I asked, smiling and looking back over at Josh, and in the reflection of his glasses, I saw it. My eyes squinted and my nose scrunched in the same way his did.

Tyler smiled, "The only thing different is her eyes. Lynn's are cooler."

"Hey!" Josh protested, laughing.

"Ha! Suck it!" I shot back, and we all burst out laughing at the sheer irony of the situation.

"Here," Jenna started, taking her phone out, "I want a picture of you two just like this, in front of Times Square."

Josh and I only got one civilized picture  in before Josh swiped his finger in his ice cream and put it on my  nose.

"Hey!" I laughed, doing the same to him.

Josh simply took the vanilla ice cream off of his nose and licked it off his finger, flashing me a triumphant smile.

I laughed, "That's disgusting."

"Actually," Josh countered, swiping the chocolate ice cream from my nose, "vanilla isn't that bad."

I laughed, wiping the sticky sugar from my nose.


Later than night, New York seemed like a dream. At one a.m, Josh and I trudged back into our apartment, weary with tired feet but in the best way. We didn't bother unpacking our stuff, too tired to care, and fell straight asleep.

You know how people have fever dreams? How some people, when they're sick, get really vivid, outrageous dreams? Well - I was graced with, instead of a vivid imagination of flying through the sky over LA, math dreams. Yes, you read that correctly. When I get fevers, I have dreams entirely of a black chalkboard with various problems flashed on it that I have no idea how to solve.

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