the tour bus

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"Alright, you have everything? We're going to be gone for the rest of the summer, so we can't leave anything behind..." Josh rambled as he made another round of the kitchen for anything he had forgotten.

I couldn't pick on him this time, because I was just as worried. We both scuttled around the house frantically checking, re-checking, and giving a last just-to-be-sure check on every inch of the house. I had gone through my luggage at least twice, and at least half of my suitcase held just-in-case items.

Finally, I sighed, "I think we've got it all." I let a smile creep its way across my lips, "I'm really excited."

Josh laughed a little, "You and me both. Well, the tour bus is waiting." He opened the door and bowed, "Your ride awaits, m'lady."

I laughed and curtseyed with an imaginary skirt (I was in skinny jeans, of course), "Why thank you, kind sir."

We exchanged lighthearted laughter before grabbing our suitcases and locking the apartment door behind us.


It never occurred to me that a tour bus could be as big as the apartment you used to live in. I gaped at it as my steps slowed, and slowly turned around, taking it all in.

"Sick, right?" Tyler asked, smiling with pride. Jenna was standing next to her husband, smiling as well.

I nodded enthusiastically and laughed, "Definitely sick."

Josh hopped onto the tour bus and closed the door behind us. "Alright, brace yourselves, because we are now officially on tour," he smiled so wide his eyes squinted at the edges.

Tyler, Jenna, and I cheered as the bus lurched forward, and moved out onto the road. Excitement bubbled in my chest, spreading through my limbs like wildfire. I had never gone on a road trip before, or seen a band live. This was like both of them combined, and on steroids.

"So, Lynn," Josh smiled excitedly. "Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

I laughed lightly. Josh had been asking me versions of the question for the past week. He kept getting me to guess, but only answered with a 'maybe' or 'you'll have to see'. It was heartwarming to see his reaction every time I answered though, so I humored him. And, in truth, I was excited, too. The only time I ever celebrated my birthday was with my brother. When I turned ten he snuck me into a movie theater, and bought a pint of ice cream from the nearby grocery store.

I nodded, smiling, "I'm really excited."

"You should be," Jenna smiled knowingly.

"You know, too?" I sighed, defeated, and fell back onto the tour bus couch. "I'm never going to be able to guess, am I?"

"Nope. Enjoy wondering about it until then," Tyler smiled like a five year old.

"You're an evil man, Joseph," I accused Tyler jokingly.

He just laughed and bowed, "It's my job, kiddo."

I laughed in return, and shook my head. "I'm never going to get you to stop calling me kiddo, am I?" I asked, defeated.

He gave that five-year-old smile again, "Nope."


The darkening sky fought at my eyelids, but I managed to stay awake. Josh sat between Tyler and I on the small tour bus couch. Jenna was snuggled against Tyler, and they mumbled words to each other occasionally. We had been watching movies and tv shows on Netflix, along with aimlessly talking for the past few hours. By now we were too tired to say much, and there was some random comedy movie playing on low volume.

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