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I froze up as I stared at the caller ID on my phone, buzzing in my hand. I quickly accepted the call and pressed it to my ear. Josh, Tyler, Jenna, and Mark all exchanged nervous glances, which unnoticed but didn't answer to.

I gulped as an automated voice came from the other line.

"You are receiving a call from a California correctional facility from Matthew Whitcher. If you would like to accept this call press one."

I pressed one on the keypad blindingly fast, and the automated voice came back.

"Thank you. We would like to remind you that all calls from Californian Correctional Facilities are closely monitored, and may be recorded for your safety."

And then the voice cut out, and it was replaced by my brother's.

"Lynn?" that oh-so-familiar voice shyly asked from the other line.

I couldn't speak. My eyes welled up with tears and I covered my mouth with my hand. I faintly felt Jenna wrap her arm around my shoulder and squeeze lightly, asking if everything was okay. I felt Josh's hand come from the other side of the table, too. He gently held my other hand in his and asked if I was okay, asked who was calling. He was worried, I could tell, but all I could focus on was the phone call.

"Matt?" my voice cracked as I said his name.

My brother sighed with relief. "Thank god. Lynn I am so sorry. I've been trying to contact you, but they took everything when I was arrested, and I didn't remember your number. They only just let me call you because they got through to your social worker. You're..." he paused, stammering on the words. "You got adopted?"

"Uh, yeah," the tears slowly faded from my vision, replaced by a swell of joy and relief. I hadn't realized just how much I missed my brother, and my heart melted and broke all at once just hearing his voice again. He was the only Whitcher left.

Suddenly I felt a pang of guilt as I realized I had a completely new family now. I had left the life my mother had created for me behind, and that was the life that my brother belonged in. I couldn't help but wonder, what did that mean for my brother now?

"Yeah, I did. So..." I trailed. "You know about mom?"

"Yeah..." he trailed off solemnly. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you with that. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the funeral."

I nodded and bit my lip, "I know."

There was a stretch of silence before he asked, "So who adopted you? I want to know who's taking care of my little sister." He laughed warmly. I missed that laugh.

"His name is Josh. Josh Dun," I smiled as I cast Josh a glance, smiling. He smiled right back.

"Wait," Matt paused. "Does he, by some off chance, play the drums for Twenty One Pilots?"

I laughed, "I didn't know you knew them."

"Lynn oh my god of course I do!" He exclaimed, "Answer the question!"

I giggled, "Yeah, it's that Josh Dun."

"Holy shit!" My brother practically yelled, laughing. "You do realize that you're living a fifteen year old girl's fever dream right now, right?"

I laughed at that, "I mean that wasn't my first thought, but you definitely aren't wrong."

"Lynn that's awesome," he shifted back to his protective older-brother tone. "So is he keeping you safe? Does he let you still play piano?"

I smiled, warmth blossoming through my chest. "Yeah, he's way over-protective," I cast Josh a smile before adding, "In a good way."

I could tell by the way Josh smiled comfortingly back at me that he knew who I was talking to. He never let go of my hand, and it rested safely between both of his all the while. Jenna kept her arm wrapped around me, too.

Glowing Eyes || Adopted by Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now