the grammys

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Josh's POV

Lynn slept in the chair next to me as we waited to board our flight. She breathed softly, her cheek pressed against my shoulder and her knees pulled up to her chest. She was wearing her brother's oversized hoodie and old checkered pajama pants. Her hair was a mass of fly-away, knotted brown hair, and she looked incredibly tired.

If you didn't catch on - Lynn wasn't exactly a morning person.

I didn't blame her though - it was three in the morning. All of us were tired, and when we were finally called to board our flight, I felt a pang of guilt for having to wake Lynn up from what seemed like a pretty calm sleep. Her dreams had gotten a lot better lately - the bags had left her eyes for months and she rarely had nightmares - but still, the prospect of that happening again worried me. It was stupid, but I didn't want to keep a good dream for her.

Nonetheless, as the weary people got up around us, I whispered, "Hey. Hey, Lynn. Time to wake up, kiddo."

I nudged her a little, and she woke up slowly rubbing her eyes and stretching her back a little. "What?" she asked softly, her eyes still closed.

I smiled a little to myself. She still seemed like a five-year-old every time I woke her up. "We've got to board our flight."

She yawned a little and nodded, opening her eyes slightly. Then my face dropped, "Wait, Lynn, where are your glasses?"

"Hm?" she asked, still not quite coming to.

"Your new glasses, I thought you were just wearing them..." I looked around, confused, and got increasingly more worried.

She sighed a little, "They're in the front pocket of your bag. You took them because you thought they might fall off or get lost if I fell asleep."

"Oh, right," I smiled sheepishly. "Thanks."

Lynn laughed a little, still tired but awake now. "No problem."

Tyler was holding in laughter behind me. I turned around and laughed a little, "What?"

Tyler just looked down at the ground, small signs of laughter escaping his throat as he pressed his smiling lips together tightly to prevent full-on laughter.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "You'd get it if you had a kid."


The next morning was the day of the Grammys, and it was like Lynn had changed into an entirely different person. I didn't think I'd ever seen her so excited before. The day, essentially, was entirely Lynn rushing me from place to place and asking when we could start getting ready for the show.

When the time finally came, and Tyler and Jenna joined us in a cab with our suits and dresses, Lynn could barely control herself.

"Wait," she turned to me, "do I have to wear my glasses to the show?"

Lynn had just gotten her glasses. We figured out she needed them when we first went to a doctor's visit. And since she hadn't had one since she was five years old, we learned that her poor eyesight had gone unnoticed for years. Problem is, it took an incredibly long time to get to an eye doctor and then get her prescription sent to us, so her glasses were shipped in months later.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, "you really need to start wearing them and getting used to them..."

"Please, Josh? You don't ever wear yours," she begged.

"She has you there," Jenna laughed.

"I do wear them!... sometimes," I laughed a little. "Only when I need them, okay? My prescription isn't that bad."

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