phone calls

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(Disclaimer: There will be some information in here about the fostering process, and I have no clue if it's accurate or not. It is organized the way it is solely for plot convenience, and I understand it's probably way off. Alrighty, back to the story.)

I sat in my bunk, anxiously awaiting a phone call from Dael. We'd set up a time to call each other for the first time in weeks (after convincing Josh it would be fine for me to stay up until one a.m. so we could talk) and I couldn't wait to finally talk to her. So much has happened in the past few weeks.

I jumped a little when I felt my phone buzz, and scrambled to see the caller ID. It was Dael. I smiled broadly and answered it, "Hey!"

"Hey!" Dael chirped back. "I'm so sorry I haven't called in a while, but my mom has just been trying to do everything all at once and-"

"It's okay," I cut her off, laughing. "I think you forget I've met your mom, I know what she's like."

Dael laughed, too, "I know, I know. I just feel bad. I mean, your mom died and you have a new foster parent that's in a band..." she sighed, "I'm your best friend, I should be talking to you about it."

"Don't feel bad," I assured her. "You're taking a trip all over Europe; you have exciting news, too."

Dael sighed, "You know what I meant, Lynn." She returned to her normal, bubbly tone, "So, how was your birthday?"

"You wouldn't believe it," I marveled, laying back in my bunk and staring wistfully up at the ceiling.

I let the words fall from my tongue as easily as the memories slipped into my brain. I smiled absentmindedly as I told her all that had happened a few weeks ago, and once I finally finished she squealed ever so slightly.

"Lynn, that sounds awesome! I wish I could've been there," Dael remarked. "So you really like your new foster family?"

I nodded a little, "Yeah..." I trailed off, looking at my cuticles. I smiled against the phone pressed up to my ear, "Yeah, I really like living with Josh. And Tyler and Jenna are practically related to him."

"I can't wait to meet Josh and grill him," Dael half-laughed half-growled.

I rolled my eyes, grinning, "Just try not to destroy him, okay?" I shook my head, "Anyways, how's Europe?"

"Awesome!" she practically shrieked. "We just got into Germany, and it's so pretty here. I think it's going to be my favorite part of the trip. I've gotten you something from every city I've been to. I'm personally very proud of Paris."

"Dael," I chided, "you didn't have to do that."

"Are you kidding me?" she sputtered. "Have you heard yourself? Need I remind you your mother died a few months ago. I know that you've gotten past it by now, but I don't care. I'm getting you souvenirs and that's final."

I laughed lightly, "Okay, okay. You're too good for me."

"I know," she said mockingly. She broke out into a fit of laughter, "No, I'm kidding, but I seriously can't wait to see you. And Josh," she added quickly.

I smiled, "I can't wait to meet up with you again, either. I've been dragged around by Aris and her friends. She actually had me meet a guy."

"Ooh, a guy?" Dael was immediately interested.

I sighed. I should've never brought it up. "Yes, Dael, a guy," I laughed a little. "It's not a big deal."

"What's his name?" she questioned.


"Is he cute?"

"Dael!" I hissed.

"What?" she exclaimed, absolutely
un-phased. "Be grateful I'm only asking the important questions."

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