the day before

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I remember when Josh got the call that Twenty One Pilots got nominated for a Grammy award. I remember because he started shouting and screaming, and before I could ask him what had happened and if it was bad, he hugged me tightly and screamed, "WE WERE NOMINATED FOR A GRAMMY!"



The night was a celebration. It was small, but I liked it that way. Tyler, Jenna, and Mark came over to our apartment, and we played music and ate food and smiled wider than either of us had smiled in a long time. Even though, by most people's standards, it was a horrible party (not even a party, really), but we didn't really care.

With this news, the media had almost entirely forgotten about my scandal with Linus. Newspapers left Josh and I's radio silence behind them, now focused on the awards show coming up. Josh's and my mentality were the same way.

Josh and Tyler had forgotten to be wary of people asking questions on the street, and I was allowed to go exploring on my own again. This is how I found the little dress shop I brought Jenna to, so that we could pick out what to wear for the awards show.

The guys didn't worry too much about what they had to wear - they already had tailored suits. Jenna, however, wanted a new nice dress (even though, in my opinion, everything in her wardrobe looks good enough to wear practically anywhere). And I was a problem, too, since the last dress I had bought was for my mom's funeral, and it wasn't exactly the thing you'd want to wear to The Grammys.

I forget what the shop was called. Olivia's, I think? I don't know. Either way, I found it one day when Daniel and I were out walking around (as usual), and its windows practically screamed out that it was made for Jenna.

We drove there the next day, and together toured the store. We had already picked out a few dresses to try on, all racked up in our hands. Jenna went through the racks with ease, fingering though the swaying fabric like someone out of a movie who had practiced it down to the expression on her face. I, on the other hand, was incredibly awkward. I had no idea what I was doing.

"Lynn, look at this one!" Jenna smiled showing off a bright yellow, long, flowing dress. She held it to her, as if trying it on, and spun around a little.

"That would look great on you," I smiled. "I think that's your best pick."

"Me too," she nodded. "What have you picked out so far?"

I stared down at my messily pile of two dresses picked out over the near hour we'd been looking. I held them out to her meekly, displaying the black and white cocktail dress and the other blue and white one with a heart neckline.

"Those are both awesome!" Jenna smiled. "Come on, let's try these on."

"Alright," I laughed.

Jenna was the first to showcase what she had. I sat out in front of the dressing room with my legs crossed beneath me, judging each dress she came out with. It actually became a lot of fun. Jenna would come out and I'd pretend to judge it critically.

"Okay, spin around. Try vogueing? Yes it's necessary! You have to look like a queen when you're vogueing in that dress. It's the ultimate test, Jenna. Yes, I know what I'm doing. I am very experienced. Don't doubt the system, just vogue."

Once she came out with a dress that fit her horribly, and wore a grimace on her face. I could tell she could feel as well as see that it looked way better on a hanger than on a person.

I looked at her and in my best Simon Cowell impression, said, "It's a no from me."

We both burst out laughing.

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