Chapter 15

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When I walk into the lobby, I'm immediately assaulted with questions. The peace that had surrounded me from my talk with Ali leaves me and I scowl.

"Shut up!" someone yells. Simon.

"Are you okay?" Simon asks me sincerely.

A couple months ago, not one of the Sidemen would've ever asked me that, I think bitterly. Simon's little tantrum is still fresh in my mind.

I nod, looking away from him. "I'm fine."

There it is again. I'm fine.

I glance at the closet and am about to head over before a stern voice stops me. "Vikk."

I turn at Josh's voice and half-heartedly glare at him. "Come and sit down," Josh instructs me.

I'm honestly not in the mood to deal with people. I'm irritable and coiled to snap right now. I just want to go to the control room and watch through my day, to see everything from an outside perspective.

Who am I kidding? To see Gudjondaniel's attack from an outside perspective.

"Could I at least change my t-shirt first?" I ask, gesturing at my blood-stained top. "I'm kind of covered in blood."

Tobi crosses the room over to the closet and slips inside. He comes back out and throws a t-shirt of the exact same design to me with a smile. "You look like shit."

I fake smile back and glance down at my sling. "How the fuck...?" I trail off.

I stand up and move to the side, where I know everyone is still watching me, but feel slightly better than standing in front of them.

I carefully take off my sling and my t-shirt, pulling my bad arm through last. I put on my new top carefully and put my old one in the bin. I quickly re-equip my sling. I know a new t-shirt will appear in the closet tomorrow, anyway.

I sit next to Lachlan on the couch and lean into his side with a sigh. He wraps his arm around me, carefully sliding under the sling and around my waist.

"Can't Lachlan answer any questions you have?" I sigh, looking longingly at the closet.


I look up at Lachlan and he grins back, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

I sit up more and push away from Lachlan. "What's wrong?"

From that single off look in his eyes, I know there's something he's harboring on.

I've known Lachlan for a long time. He was the first of the Pack I met. We're best friends. I know him. And never, have I ever seem him sad or upset like this. Salty? Yes. But this is a whole different thing.

"You're hardly one to be talking," Lachlan murmurs, tapping my sling lightly.

"Don't even think about lying to me," I hiss out. "What's the matter?"

"I'm fine," Lachlan insists.

I almost snort at the words that come out of his mouth. I'm fine. Haven't I been bullshitting everyone with that for weeks now?

"Don't bullshit me," I insist just as firmly.

"Not now," Lachlan finally replies, his eyes darting to the others, who I'd briefly forgotten. "Not here."

I nod shortly, leaning back against him, but he seems stiffer. More tensed.

After we clarify all the details of Gudjon's little visit, they slowly, one by one stop talking. I know they're holding something back. They're dying to ask something.

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