Chapter 6: Eponine's Investigation

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~Eponine's POV~

There was a fumbling that I could hear from the opposite side of the door that lasted for quite some time, but I soon heard Cosette's voice weakly. Her voice stuttered a bit, "Y-yeah... I'll be out in a second..." As I waited for her to answer the door, I wiped my sweaty palms upon my dress. Marius hadn't come home last night, and I had spent most of my night lying awake wondering where he was. He had told me that he was going to walk Cosette home for Enjolras, so there it was possible that she knew where he had gone.

In the beginning, I had some suspicion that maybe he was with Cosette, but I quickly dismissed those thoughts. Even if Cosette did have feelings for Marius, she was far too loyal to try to steal him away from me. There were times where this loyalty made me sick. I knew in my mind that if the tables were turned I would have done anything to try and make Marius mine. Luckily though, I did not have to worry about this. I already had Marius wrapped around my finger. The ring on my hand proved it. At least, that's what I told myself. I still wasn't so sure considering the situation at hand.

As I nearly drowned in my thoughts, Cosette pulled me up as she opened the door. She had a robe draped around her body, and her blonde hair in knotty fragments around her head. She looked as though she had just barely gotten any sleep, and there was something in her eyes that just didn't settle right in me. I asked awkwardly, "Umm... Did I interrupt something?"

"Oh no," Cosette replied as she played with the strings on her robe, "I was just about to step into the bath."

I rocked back and forth on my feet, "Should I come back later?"

"No, it's fine. I have yet to draw it anyway. Besides, you sounded urgent. What is going on?"

Cosette let me in, and I sat down. I hardly remembered Cosette's home. I hadn't been there since my first arguement with Marius in which she let me sleep on her couch for the night. That was 6 months prior. She hadn't changed anything, and yet it all seemed so new. Maybe it wasn't her home that had changed, but the two of us. I proceeded to tell Cosette the whole situation of how Marius had not returned home, "I'm really worried. What if he's cheating on me? Or what if something happened to him on the way home... He told me that he was going to walk you home, so I was wondering if he had maybe given you any clue to where he was going?"

Cosette was silent for a moment, and a contemplative look occupied her face. Hopefully, she was trying to remember if Marius had given her any hints to where he had disappeared to. Or maybe, she was trying to cover up the fact that he was here? I smacked myself. I really had to stop thinking that way. I knew Cosette would never do something like that. As far as I knew, she hadn't even gone that far with Enjolras. So why would she dare risk it on her best friend's fiancee?

Finally, Cosette responded. She rubbed beneath her nose, "I-I can't remember anything. I'm so sorry. I kind of overdid it last night with the alcohol."

I let out a deep sigh as she continued, "I wouldn't worry about it though Eponine. I mean, Marius loves you like crazy. He would never do something stupid, and risk losing you... The only thing I remember is that we left the bar rather late last night. Odds are, he probably got tired, and decided to crash at one of the guy's houses. Don't freak out over it. I promise you everything is going to be fine." I gave Cosette a soft smile as she enveloped me in a hug. As we let go, a small smile crept upon her face. She giggled, "Now, I don't believe I got a chance to see that ring Marius gave you. Might I possibly have a peek?"

I laughed, and showed her the ring. After that, we went on for a while, laughing and chatting like we did long ago. Cosette and I had hardly spent any time with each other lately, and this reminded me of how great it was to be around her. She and I even made plans to go look for my dress this week! It was truly fantastic. I was able to have my future husband, and it seemed as though I was getting my best friend back as well.

As she walked me out, I asked her, "Do you think that you and Enjolras are going to get married?"

She was quiet once more, as she looked down. I was worried I had crossed the line once more in asking this. However, she soon looked back up at me. She responded, "Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Won't we?"

"Well, do you at least love him?"

She was silent once more. It was a rather uncomfortable silence. The kind of uncomfortableness that can come from Cosette being silent. She took in a breath, and let it out slowly, "I-I think I do..." She did not sound too enthusiastic about it, which confused me. Cosette seemed like the kind of person who would act all giddy about being in love. She had just stated it like she was reading the newspaper. However, I hadn't questioned her about it. It was fairly early after all. She was probably just tired.

I hugged Cosette one last time, "So I'll see you on Wednesday, right?" She nodded, and I smiled, "Great! I'll see you then!" She walked back in, and closed her door tightly. How could I ever think such horrid things of Cosette. Despite all that we had been through, she still managed to come through and be there for me! I was so lucky to have her as my best friend.

As I walking down the stoop, I had a weird feeling though. There was a sound that trickled my ear. It faintly sounded like Cosette was speaking to someone.

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