Chapter 15: Enjolras's Expectations

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I sat in a chair outside of the hospital room, drumming my fingers against the sides of it nervously. Beyond myself, Marius and Eponine were also here. Eponine had mostly remained silent throughout our enitre time here, almost as if she had something else on her mind. Marius, on the other hand, was a complete wreck. When I had told him what was going on, it was almost as if he had gone insane. He was basically pushing Ep and I to the hospital as he mummured to himself about how could he let this happen. Now, he was pacing back and forth in the hallway, whispering prayers into his hands. He would only then stop to turn, and walk in the other direction. He had not acknowleged either of us since.

I didn't know what was going through his mind. The way he was acting had of course perked my interest, but I had soon pushed it out of my mind. Him and Cosette were best friends long before I had come into the picture. There was nothing for me to worry about. Besides, I couldn't stop worrying about Cosette. She had been in horrible shape before I left to get Eponine and Marius. I was so worried. I didn't want anything bad happening to her, even if tongiht hadn't gone as I had expected.

And the weirdest thing of all, she had seemed absolutely fine before hand. How did this happen?

~Hours Before~

I knocked on Cosette's door lightly, and straightened my collar. Cosette had left a note at my door earlier in the morning telling me that she had something to give me later that night. So, here I was. waiting at her her door, pondering what it could be that she had in store for me. Soon, she opened the door, allowing my mouth to fall open. Her sea of blonde hair pooling down to her shoulders, and her eyes a bit brighter than usual. She wore a red dress with black lace detailing the sleeves and bodice. I couldn't close my mouth. She looked beautiful. 

I didn't know how long I had been staring, but it must have been a long time. Cosette chuckled, and tilted my chin up to meet her eyes. "You like?"

"Yes," I blushed, "I really do." 

She looked down, "Well, show's over. Come on in." I walked in after her, and let a mouth-watering scent smack me in the face. She led me to the dining table where a meal of all of my favorites sat. 

I looked over at her, and chuckled, "All this for me?"

She nodded, "I figured you deserved it. You've been working so hard on the revolution, and I haven't seen you recently."  I smiled. She really cared about me. However, I had been sort of lying to her. Not about Eponine. I had told her about that, and she ended up being extremely understanding, which surprised me a lot. I don't think I would have reacted the same way if she had told me the same thing. The thing I lied about though was that it meant absolutely nothing to me. I had been avoiding her lately in order to sort out my feelings for Eponine and my feelings for Cosette. Even after the past two week of contemplation, I still had not figured it out entirely. I loved Cosette. She was truly a wonderful girl, but I couldn't deny that there was something between Eponine and I.However, she was with Marius, and there was no way I was going to break them up. I decided that it was simply best for me to stay with Cosette, and find happiness with her. And tonight, I thought I had found my perfect time to propose.

I replied, "Thank you. It all looks amazing."

I kissed her cheek softly, which made her blush. She smiled, "No problem. Now, I made all your favorites," her smile soon turned into a smirk, "and here is a taste of dessert." She then proceeded to kiss my lips softly, which I reciprocated, and soon deepened. I pulled back from her, and laughed, "Well then let's hurry and eat this meal." She giggled, and we continued on to eat a rather silent dinner. 

I coughed slightly. Now was the time. I had to do it now. There was no turning back. I walked towards her chair, and took her hand in mine. She looked up at me, rather confused. "Enjolras, what are you doing?"

"Cosette I have something to ask you."

She nodded, "A-alright... Go ahead..."

I repeated everything that I said to Eponine when she helped me rehearse, "Cosette, I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time. Yet, I can't help but feel that there is some kind of connection between us... You just... You just give me this feeling that just fills me with a joy that I want to experience for the rest of my life... So, what I am trying to say is...Cosette, will you marry me?"

Cosette looked at me in shock. I couldn't read her expression. There was no sense of joy, like I was hoping. Yet, there was also no look of horror either. Oh my God, what if she did not want to marry me because I kissed Eponine? How could I have screwed everything up so much? Before I could apologize for my actions, she kissed my lips softly, and soon pulled away. She smiled, "That sounds great."

I smiled, placed the ring on her finger, and kissed her again. This time, she was the one to deepen the kiss between us. I stood up, and brought her along with me, leading her towards the couch. Things intensified very fast, and I thought that things were going to go pretty far. However, Cosette soon pulled away. She looked up at me, "I-I can't do this..." 

"What do you mean?" I sat up, half of my shirt undone, and the back of her dress nearly unstringed. She sat up as well, and rubbed the back of her neck slightly. I thought things were going really well. I cupped her face in my hands, "Cosette, what's wrong?"

"It's just... I don't feel up for it tonight... I-I'm really sorry Enjolras."

"Hey, " I sighed, "it's alright. Cosette, don't worry about it. I just like being with you."

She looked up at me, and smiled, "Thank you... Would you still like to stay over maybe?"

I nodded, "I would love to." She smiled, and rested her head against my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. Soon enough, she was fast asleep. I sighed. Of course I would have much rather prefered a different activity, but I didn't mind completely. Cosette was a great girl.I was willing to wait for her. I picked her up, brought her to her bed, and tucked her in. I sat down on her bed, and judt watched her. And that was the way we stayed for an hour or so.

Soon though, things took a turn for the worst.

Cosette woke up in a jolt of pain, clamping tightly onto her stomach. My eyes widened, "Cosette, what is going on?!"

"I-I don't know," she seethed.

I pulled away the covers from on top of her, and my worriedness grew into total fear. There was a patch of blood where she was sitting, and her seethes of pain soon turn into screams. I picked her up, "We're getting you to the hospital. Now."

The doctor soon appeared at the door. He cleared his throat, "Uhm... Which one of you is Enjolras?"

I stood up, "That is me sir."

"Well, monsieur I do have some bad news."

"Just tell me what it is sir," I replied, "please."

"Your fiance will be fine," he replied, which sent a stroke of relief through me, "However..." 

However? How could there be more news? "However what?"

"However, I'm afraid that she has lost the baby she was carrying."

My jaw dropped, "Baby?!" Cosette was pregnant?! She couldn't be! We hadn't gone that far ever. I ran into the room, despite the doctor telling me not to. My chest was heaving, "Cosette... You're pregnant?!" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, slowly nodding. I couldn't believe it. But there was one question still stuck in my mind.

Who got her pregnant?

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