Chapter 10: Marius's Dash

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I ignored the rain that bested down against me as I made my trek outside. I didn't care if the Atlantic Ocean came in and washed me away. I was going to get to Cosette's house no matter what. I pushed past people, and swerved away from puddles, only heading straight for my destination. There was no time for stops.

I left Eponine rather abruptly, but once I had heard what she said I knew the one place I had to go.


"W-what?" That was the only thing I had managed to spit out when Eponine had told me the news.

"I know," she replied with her smile growing widely, "can you believe it?! Our best friends! And didn't you say that Enjolras was planning on proposing to Cosette? This works out perfectly!"

"H-how how do you know?"

"Well, I saw the signs, and after whittling her down. She finally told me! Isn't this wonderful?"

I got up, and grabbed my jacket, heading towards the door. Eponine stood up, "Marius, where on Earth are you going?"

I didn't answer her. I simply walked out of the house, and slammed the door.


I reached Cosette's door, and pounded upon it. It took some time, but Cosette finally answered the door. My heart was racing as I looked at her. She looked like a mess, with her hair in frizzled fragments, and her face streaked from tears. My voice shook, "Cosette... I-is is it true?"

She looked down, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"You very well know what I'm talking about Cos," I lifted her chin so that her eyes would meet mine, "is it true?"

Cosette's blue eyes rimmed with tears as she nodded slowly. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. I closed my eyes, and uttered the words that I never thought I would have to say for quite some time.

"So you're pregnant..."



Sorry this chapter is extremely short! I didn't think this one needed my pages of analysis. xD

I hope you guys are really enjoying this fanfic! It's really fun to write!

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