Chapter 11: Enjolras's Rehearsal

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I paced back and forth in my apartment, only stopping to occasionally look out upon the rainy evening. I had been racking my brain for hours about how to propose to Cosette. I had thought of every trick in the book. Taking her to the park, and then proposing once the sun came down, a simple candlelight dinner at my place, even copying Marius's idea of popping the question in front of everyone at the cafe. No matter what I tried, it just didn't seem to fit.

I thought that I might have simply been overdoing it. It had come to the point where even saying Cosette's name did not feel right in my mouth with the question following. It had to be that I was trying to hard, right? It couldn't have been any other reason. God, why was proposing to someone so hard? How could anyone ever do this? It just felt so impossible to do. I didn't think I would ever get it out of me.

I was brought out of my thoughts from a pounding at my door. I paced towards it, and opened it to reveal a soaking Eponine. I looked behind her for a moment, and was surprised to see that Marius was not conjoined to her hip as usual when they came over. I looked down at her, "Ep, what in the world are you doing here?"

She didn't answer. She simply pushed me aside, and let her eyes wander around my house. I was a bit taken aback because I was not very used to her forwardness, but I did not say anything. I let her continue to prowl through to my room, and through the rest of my apartment. Once she had seemed to take a break, I spoke up, "Are you... Looking for something?"

"Not something," she replied, "someone."

"Ah," I answered, "Well I would help you search.... If you would be so kind as to tell me who it is you are looking for."

She looked up at me, "I'm looking for Marius. He left the house abruptly a while ago, and now I can't find him..."

"Ah, I see..." I responded, "Well, I hate to inform you, but Marius has not passed by here."

Eponine sat down on the couch, and took in a deep breath. I soon sat down next to her. I could see why she would be worried. I think I would have been too if I were in the same situation as her. "Do you mind if I ask what happened?"

"He ran off when I told him..." She trailed off for a moment, then shook her head, "N-Nevermind... It was really nothing."

God, why would no one tell me anything anymore? I understood why Eponine wouldn't tell me anything. Outside of Marius, she and I rarely spoke. However, even Marius had beun keeping secrets from me. I could tell that he was... I shook my head. This wasn't about me. This was about Eponine. I slumped back, "Alright." 

We were silent for quite some time. I had figured that she would leave once she realized that Marius wasnn't here. However, she ended up staying behind. A small smile began to form on her face, "So, have you figured out how you are going to propose to Cosette yet?"

I shook my head, then looked at her rather surprised. I didn't remember telling Eponine about my proposal. Then I realized, "Marius told you?"

She nodded. I figured so anyway. That kid couldn't keep a secret. I was surprised that Cosette herself didn't know about it. I shrugged my shoulders back a bit, "I don't know, I just haven't found the right way." 

"Well, how about you practice on me?" Eponine offered. 

I thought about this for a moment. It sounded like a good idea. I looked back at her, and nodded. I shook out all the anxieties in me, as I got down on one knee. However, once I reached for the ring in my pocket, I began fumbling like crazy. I didn't even get to ask my question before the ring hit the ground. 

Eponine chuckled slightly, then picked up the ring for me. "Don't be so nervous!" She placed her hand under my chin, forcing me to look her in the eyes. She smiled, "Just look me in the eyes the entire time, and say all that you wish to say... Just you know... Address it to Cosette."

I laughed, "Of course." I was extremely grateful to Eponine for offering to help me. If I had told anyone else, they would have simply said "Good luck with that." Even though I knew there were times she could be a bit annoying, and the rarest occasion that she could be rude, she truly was a kind person. Marius was extremely lucky to have her. Anyone would be lucky to have Eponine. 

"Remember Enjolras," she smiled, "you're an amazing guy. There is no way Cos can say no to you." This wasn't particularly true. I could think of several reasons as to why Cosette would refuse me. However, it was still very kind of her to say. I simply nodded, and didn't question it.

I looked up into Eponine's eyes. I had never noticed how beautiful her eyes were. I had almost gotten lost in them. I shook my head. What was I thinking? I was in love with Cosette. This was who I was doing it for after all. I let a small smile spread across my face, "Cosette... I must ask you a question..."Eponine gave me a look that said to go on, "we've only known each other for a short amount of time. Yet, I can't help but feel that there is some kind of connection between us... You just... You just give me this feeling that just fills me with a joy that I want to experience for the rest of my life... So, what I am trying to say is..." I took her hand in mine, "Cosette, will you marry me?"

Eponine smiled, "That's fantastic Enjolras. Now, it doesn't matter where you propose to her. Anywhere you do it, there is no doubt that Cosette will say yes now."

I smiled, and hugged Eponine tightly. "Thank you so much Eponine. It really means a lot to me that you were willing to help me."

In that moment, something took hold of me completely. For in that moment, I found my head gravitating towards Eponine, and soon my lips attaching to hers.

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