Chapter 12: Cosette's Compromise

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I watched as Marius paced back and forth in my living room. The same way he did all those weeks ago after what had happened. I sat on the couch, unable to say anything. What should I have said? What could I say? What was done was done. All that we could do was try to resolve our problem in the best way possible. That was part of the problem though. At the time, there didn't seem to be a way to solve the problem. Every solution that I could think of was borderline impossible, or resolved in someone getting hurt. There wasn't going to be an easy resolution. No matter what we did, there was no denying the fact that this issue would not go away. 

For the first time since I had let him in, Marius spoke, "H-how could this have happened?"

I scoffed slightly, "I think you kind of know how this happened..."

"This is no time for jokes," he barked. Realiazing he had raised his voice, he lowered it again quickly, "A-are you sure that the baby is mine."

I looked up at him, and nodded. There was no one else's it could have been. The amount of time I had been pregnant consisted properly to the time of the incident. Besides, I hadn't been with anyone besides Marius. Enjolras had occasionally tried, however I would soon dismiss him from the idea entirely. If he had ever found out about this. He would freak out.

Marius groaned, and fell back on the couch next to me. The silence we had shared before ensued. I looked back over at him. It felt weird to look at him after the amount of time we had been apart. It seemed as though there was something different about him. Of course, there was nothing dramatically different. He still looked the same. He had the same brown hair that topped his head perfectly, and the same freckles that I used to count on the warm summer days. Other than that, his eyes had seemed to have lost the glow in them, and his usually playful smirk had been transfixed into a solemn face. He was still Marius. He simply wasn't the Marius that I once knew. 

He looked over at me. I forgot the overwhelming power his simple glance had upon me, for I was struck to the bone once more when he looked at me. He sighed, "So, do you by any chance have a plan to solve this?"

I did. I just wasn't so sure that I really wanted to go through with it. "I-I do," I responded, "but it's kind of hard to understand."

"I don't have anywhere to be."

I sighed, "Alright." I shifted up off the couch, and began to pace. If I was going to tell him my plan, I didn't want to look him in the eye for it. "So... I've only been pregnant for a month now, correct? Well, that means I won't start showing for a while now."

"What are you getting at?" He asked.

"There's still time for me to convince Enjolras that the baby is his."

Marius sat back slightly, "And how are you going to do that?"

I looked out the window. I really didn't want to have to face the idea that I had come up with. However, I couldn't see any other alternative. I bit my lip, "I'm going to have to sleep with Enjolras, tell him I'm pregnant, and then pray that the baby looks more like me than you." Marius got up, and started to walk towards me. I moved back, and continued, "You won't have to do anything at all. It's all on me. This whole thing was my fault anyway... I have to fix it."

"Don't say that," Marius responded, "Cosette, if anything, it was both of us. I won't let you take this all on yourself."

"I have to though Marius. There's nothing else we can do."

Marius sat back down, and I soon joined him. His voice sounded a bit raspier than before, and a lot softer, "Wi-will the baby ever know that I'm their father?"

I shrugged. I didn't really know what to tell him. At this time, I wasn't even sure if I wanted him to know that he was the father. However, I didn't want to hurt him anymore. I was tired of hurting people, even if they didn't know that I was. I took his hand softly, "Maybe someday."

Marius looked down at my hand, and for the first time in a while I saw him smile softly. I smiled, but it quickly faded. No matter how much I loved having his hand in mine, it was still wrong. Marius was engaged, not just to anyone, but my best friend. He sighed softly, patted my knee, and stood up slowly. "I guess I should be making my way home."

I nodded, and showed him to the door. Before he left, Marius pulled me in for a hug. I took in his scent once more. God, I had really missed that scent. However, I had to quickly pull away from him. He rubbed my shoulder softly, "Take care of yourself Cosette."

Soon enough, he was gone. Gone. Marius had left me a plenthor of times by now. When we would bid each other a good night, the morning of the instrument, and now tonight. I had never felt anything about it before. Of course, that was when I thought there was a chance for us to see each other again.

It was weird. This time I had gotten the worst feeling in the world about when he left. There was something that made me feel that Marius wouldn't be coming back. 

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