Epilogue (Part 2): Cosette's Closure

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I looked up at my parents, fear striking me to the bone? We would be together, right? After all we had to go through, we would live together in the kingdom of God. That was how I had always pictured it turning out. After finding out about my mother's death from my father, I had prayed every night that I would one day see her. Then, once my Papa passed, my prayers were doubled to seeing the two of them. This was all I had hoped for, all I had hoped for before I lodged that bullet in my stomach of course. If I couldn't see the two of them ever again after this, it would kill me. Well metaphorically of course... I was already dead.

"Cosette sweetie," my mother wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "you have been such a good girl your whole life... I watched you every single day from up here, and always thought about how proud I was of you."

"However," Papa interposed, "after your actions lately... They are not sure quite where to put you."

I looked down, newly formed tears blurring my vision. There was a chance I could be stuck here forever, and I didn't want that. I had screwed up everything. I had left everyone on Earth to suffer with my passing, and now it looked as though I would be stuck in this purgatory for all eternity all alone. How could I have been so selfish and stupid?

My mother lifted my chin, "But..."

I staggered up, "But? But what? What do I have to do? I'll do anything!"

"They said that they would let you in, if you return to Earth to have closure with those you had wronged during your time on Earth. You must visit all of them, and they said that there is one that you must speak to face-to-face."

I looked at both of them. I really didn't want to face them all again. I knew that whoever the person that they wanted me to speak face-to-face to was probably the one most upset with me. I didn't want to go through that. That was why I was here. Yet; if I wanted to live on with my mother and father in the garden of the Lord, I had no choice. 

I nodded, "A-alright... I'll do it."

They smiled at me softly, and before I knew it they were gone. I had escaped the white room I was held captive in, and was now back in the alleyway I was in when I passed. I looked down, and saw that my dirt soaken dress had been replaced with a simple white frock. As I looked in the alleyway, I noticed that it was no longer night, and it was a bright day outside. I walked out of the alleyway quickly, and took a look around. The town seemed so much brighter. Everyone seemed to be happier than they were when I was here. How long had I been gone? I looked around, trying to see a familiar face. Whoever I saw first, I figured would be the first person to make amends with.

Even through the large masses, I found no one. I walked out of the town quickly. There was one perk to being dead. I could pass through people easy. 

I was soon in the countryside. I remembered when I was small that father would take me out here to look out over the city. I smiled at the memory, but it soon faded. I wasn't getting anywhere, and if I didn't I would never be reunited with my parents. I couldn't let that happen. I had to find someone. I had to- 

"Come on!" I heard behind me. The voice sounded familiar, and as I turned around I realized that I was indeed correct. Coming up the hill, not one, but two familiar bodies rushed up. Hand in hand, Eponine and Enjolras came into my vision. They were laughing with grins ear to ear, and they sat at the ledge of the cliff. I watched them for some time. The way they were together. It almost looked like it was taken out of a romance novel. The way they looked at each other, spoke to each other, interacted to each other's body language. It was the opposite of what Enjolras and I were. In fact, it was even different from how Eponine and Marius acted around each other.

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