Chapter 16: Eponine's Tumble

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Marius and I followed into the room after Enjolras.Cosette's face had turned white as a sheet as we came in. i wasn't sure if she was upset about the fact that she had lost her child, or the the fact that Enjolras had found out about it. I thought both her reaction and the anger permeating off of Enjolras's face were extremely peculiar. They were together. Before the fact that their child had been lost, they both should have been overjoyed to have a child together. It made no sense that they should be angered or upset by this news. Then, it hit me:

The baby wasn't Enjolras's.

Enjolras pounded his fist against the wall in rage. He looked down, his chest heaving up and down furociously. His voice was almost inaudible, yet in the silence of the room they cut like a knife:

"Who was it?"

Cosette looked up at him, her blue eyes cracked red, "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Who was the bastard you cheated on me with?" I had never see Enjolras look so angry. The more I looked at him though, I could see that he was less angry about it, and more betrayed.

Cosette's head dropped down again, "I-it wasn't his fault."

Enjolras grabbed Cosette's wrist harshly, pulling her up, and seeming ready to drag her to the ground. I wanted to try to stop him, yet his eyes kept me from doing so. That mixture of rage and desperation left me fearful. He seethed through his teeth, "Don't cover up for him you whore! Who was it?!"

"It was me!"

The room fell silent, as all three pairs of eyes glanced towards Marius. Enjolras dropped Cosette down to the ground, and she slowly made her way up. My heart started to tremor in my chest as my voice shook. I stammered, "M-Marius?"

Cosette looked at Marius, "Marius. You don't have to cover for me... It's m-"

"No," Marius stated sharply, "I've let you take the blame for what happened for far too long." He looked towards Enjolras and I, "Yes. It's true. Cosette and I slept together. Enjolras had asked me to walk Cosette home because she was immensely drunk, and I agreed to do so. She confessed her love to me... A-and we did it. It's not her fault though! I was a bit drunk I admit, but I was not as drunk as her. I had enough control to stop it... But I didn't..." He then looked back to Cosette, "and I'm sorry... If there is anyone to be mad at... It's me."

I couldn't see anything. My eyes were brimmed with tears, and I let out a tense sob. Tears streamed down my face, as I turned towards Cosette, "You... YOU BITCH! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! HOW COULD YOU?!"

"Eponine," Cosette looked up at me, "I-I don't know what to say..."

I couldn't say anything to her. I didn't want to. She was my best friend, and she betrayed me. I had confided in her for everything. She was one of the only people I ever let in. Her and Marius. And they both betrayed me. Everyone I had ever let close. They all found a way to stab me in the back.

I turned towards Marius, "And you! How could you do this?! We were engaged Marius! In a way, this makes me glad that Enjolras and I kissed!"

Marius's eyes widened, "You two kissed?!"

Crap, I knew there was something I hadn't said. It didn't matter anymore. Marius and Cosette had done far worse to me. It was time I took them down a peg. I laughed a bit, "Yes. We did. And you know what? I liked it even more than I ever did when I kissed you."

"H-how could you do this?"

"You're one to talk," Enjolras scoffed, "you slept with my fiancée!"

I shouted, "And my best friend!" People were starting to stare into the room, but I didn't care. My perfect world that I had taken so long to build was beginning to crumble. Nothing else mattered to me now.

Enjolras's rage had only heightened, and had now reached its boiling point. He yelled out, "I am done with this!" He pulled on his jacket, and reached his hand in his pockets. His eyes widened, "Wait a minute, where's my revolver?"

I looked over at him, "Wait, what?"

"My gun," he replied, "I keep it in my pocket for emergencies."

I didn't have time to question Enjolras on his possession of a gun because soon Marius interposed, "Wait... Where's Cosette?!" I looked around the room, and noticed that the blonde had hence disappeared. I poked my head out into the hallway, but I couldn't see her. Nothing was adding up. Until we heard a piercing gun shot ring out the window. I peeked outside as my hands covered my gaping mouth.

Unfortunately, we had answered both questions.

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