Chapter 5

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~Chapter 5

I let the hot water wash away the soreness that over took my body. I scrubbed myself several times still not completely satisfied that I was clean. with a sigh I turned off the continues water and stepped out of the shower.

the cold air rushed over me imstantly. I let out a small shiver slipping on the clothes the myserious boy dropped of for me. I dried my hair, and then I was suddely angry he didnt bring me any makeup. if this guy was going to go through my room he could at least bring me a bottle of mascara.

"looks like im going to be makeup less," I mumbled disapointed.

I opened the door to find a tray which held a bowl of chicken noodle soup some bread and a cup of juice.

I sat the food tray over on the bedside table. I didnt have much of an appetite. instead I was desprate to find my phone.

about 10 minutes later of struggling with the uncomfortable hospitle bed I found my phone squished up behind the bed. I checked my phone and I was shocked with the notifications. 72 undread messages and 58 missed calls.

"woah," I breathed. most of the messages were filled with concern about Rylee and I. wait Rylee, where was she? that guy told me Rylee and I were both safe. did he go back and get her? were there other people there? was I just too focused on the boy that saved my life to notice anything else?

the door boomed open. and a tall skinny nurse walked into the room. she had light brown hair and brown eyes with perfectally crafted makeup around them.

"hello honey," the woman smiled, "my name is britney and ill be your nurse."

I smiled back at the plesant lady standing in front of me.

"you havent eaten your food," she stated.

"im not really all that hungry."

"I understand but you really need to eat you havent eaten real food in 2 weeks. we have put an iv in you to keep you hydrated and we have been pumping food into you because you couldnt eat when you were passed out. and plus your pain medicine is sprinkled into the soup and your fruit juice will help fight bacteria in your body," I know I should be happy this lady cares but the only thing I could get through my brain was that these people drugged my food.

Britney pushed the food back over to me and I poked around at it forcing a few bites of soup down and a sip or two of juice.

"very good," the woman smiled at me yet again.

I stared at the woman while she scribbled some notes on a piece of paper.

"so, Marry, do you know what happend?" typical all these people cared about was prying information out of me. I was not going to divulge any secrets and I pray that neither will Rylee. I stare off blankly at Britney hoping she would get the point.

"is that a no?" Britney looked at me disapointed, "I understand, you hit your head pretty hard."

I wanted to tell someone about the strange boy. the boy with the blue eyes, that stared straight through mine and into my heart. the boy who went through my house. the boy with the enchanting voice. and the boy who saved my life.

I knew better though. the only person I could bring this up to is Rylee. and right now she needs to be my first concern.

"Where's Rylee?" I ask.

"oh honey dont worry your friend is fine." the kind lady told me. I almost felt bad.

"Where is Rylee?" I asked once more.

"she's being treated right now. you can speak to her later today when ever the patients have the choice to go out into the dinning hall." Britney smiled at me. she was doing pretty good at keeping her head.

"this place has a dinning hall? what hospitle am I at anyway?" I ask.

"haha yes this hospitle has everything patients need and more. and only the finest hospitle in new york." the nurse told me in an assuring voice.

I didnt really want to talk to her anymore. I still didnt want to be rude though. she was so nice. and I know how hard it is to be a nurse and deal with crazy patients.

"I'll let you get some rest you look pretty rough. let me know if you need anything. and finish your soup," and with that Britney collected her things and walked out the door.

I layed back down on my pillow, checking my phone several times not having the nerve to repy to anyone.

I felt myself drifting out of reality. visions of the dark haired blue eyed boy running through my mind until sleep took me over.

it started out dark. the only thing visable was the outline of even darker trees and a river flowing to my right. like a smart person I stick to the river. everything was lifeless. no people for miles. suddenly I stand corrected a black red eyed raven lets out its unnerving scream and swoops down in front of me. out of nowhere a man appears in the distance. he is dressed in a black jacket, black gloves, black boots and dark jeans with a black skee mask. my first instinct was to run. but I couldnt go fast enough. no matter how hard I tried, I just got myself closer to the man. until I stopped and he was right in front of me. he grabbed my hair and cut down my arm with a hidden knife. 'hello Marry. Sorry I let you go a few weeks ago, you were... heavily gaurded I guess I could say. but now, your mine.'  the man whispered into my ear the man pulled my face to his forcing me to look into his ice cold gray eyes. a shiver went through me. seconds later I was in a room with the man. he grabbed my wrist and forced me onto the ground he pulled out the knife and started carving a star followed by another star inside it. the pain was too real. to focused on me. 'lover boy cant save you now!' shouted the man licking the blood off my wrist. I screamed even louder. the stinging increased.

"marry. marry. marry!"  the repition of my name brought me to reality. I opened my eyes and let out a horrifing shriek.

"oh calm down honey im sorry!" Britney told me. she gave me a hug and comforted my trembling body. "I just wanted to let you know you can come to the dinning hall now."

I nodded my head having no will to speak.

"okay I'll wait outside for you." I nodded again.

after the door closed I became aware of the pain throbbing in my left wrist. I looked down to find my biggest fear, engraved on my wrist lay a star within a star, marking my skin in a spiral of blood.

I gasp. I touch the engraving to make sure its real. pangs of pain shoot up my arm. this can only mean one thing. the gray eyed man that put me in this place, has found a way to invade my dreams.

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