~Chapter 17~

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Evan looked back to Daniel.

"Oh snap," He said, "Daniel we have to get you to jenny."

"noooo," Daniel groaned, "jenny is so mean and it doesnt make it better that she already doesn't like me and now she has permission to stab me with needles." Daniel shuddered, recieving a giggle from Rylee.

"well at the moment you happen to be powerless so, your going," Evan smiled.

Evan moved over to help Daniel to his feet.

"and I believe thats the only reason im going. honestly why do we have a nurse she doesn't show up most of the time. if one of us were dieing we would just be out of luck," Daniel said.

I stood up putting my arm on Daniels shoulder to steady him. Rylee and Allison followed. I let go of Daniel while Evan mostly carried him out the room.

Rylee and I smiled at each other and let out a hysterical laugh that didn't even sound human. I glanced over at Allison who was giving us a discusted look.

"Allison, what's your problem," Rylee said harshly.

"look, I have been here for years with Evan and Daniel and we are close. they are changing because of you. and im not going to let my friend and my boyfriend get distracted because two little girls decide to play damsel in distress," Allison said in a rough tone.

"wait a second, boyfriend.?" I asked realizing that's the only thing that sunk in.

Allison smiled mockingly, "Evan and I have a thing."

my heart dropped. somewhere in my head I thought maybe at some point in time where a killer wasn't after me, or when I knew all of the unsaid secrets he is keeping bottled up, that we may have a chance.

"sure looks like it by the way he was trying to push you off of him," Rylee shot back.

"Ry, stop it's not worth it," I mumbled.

"of course its not," Allison said, "because you know just as well as I do that you cant come between us."

"whatever, I wouldn't want to anyway." I said making my way to the door aware of Rylee on my heels.

tears threatened to spill out. I pushed them back. no I wont cry over Evan and Allison. its probably not even true. even if it is it shouldn't phase me. why would it.? I mean really im just an assignment to him. thats exactly what I am. an assignment. nothing more. the sooner I realize that and except it, the better off I'll be.

I continued to run down the hallway. im not sure where I was going. I just knew that it was helping me clear my head. the tears are now compressed back into my system where they are going to stay.

my pace slows letting Rylee catch up and put her arm on my shoulder.

"c'mon marry dont listen to her," Rylee said, "she's just mad cause lover boy there has the hots for you," she laughed amd nudged my shoulder.

"it doeant matter," I smiled, "no big deal you know, I dont even know the guy."

"hun, your fooling no one. he is totally adorable and into you.!" Rylee said cheerfully. I giggle as a reply.

"so what about you and Daniel.?" I ask hoping to steer the subject away from Evan. I couldn't really focus on Rylees words. she seemed happy though. That's good enough to make my day a little brighter.

we continue down the hallway to my room. where I hope that my train of thought will dispear and the comfort of sleep will wash over me.

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