Chapter 7

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Chapter 7~

for a moment my heart stopped. my mind went to the blue eyed boy. there was no sign of anyone but me in the room. and im sure that none of these nurses and doctors would have my makeup bag.

curiosity took me over. I unzipped the top to find it full of some of my favorite makeup. my pink sparkly eye shadow, silver, green sparkles, big eyes mascara and black eye liner.

maybe, it was here the whole time. maybe I just missed it when I picked up my clothes and someone came in here and found it kicked under the bed or something.

no, because when I was searching for my phone I checked everywhere and it wasnt here. theres only one person that could have brought it here.

I glanced around the room to find only one thing out of ordinary.  the window was opened.

my phone started ringing which sent my makeup bag spiraling to the floor. I dug around in the blanketd until I found my white glittery phone case that contained my phone.

great my mom.

"hello," I mumbled trying my best to sound like I was at home.

"sweety, where are you?" my mother screeched through the phone.

"what do you mean? are you home?" I asked.

my mom went out of state to vist my aunt. and my dad got a promotion which sent him to Africa. it broke my mom and I's heart.

"no, I was with your aunt linda when your cousins started screaming saying you were on the news. they played your 911 call and showed poor Rylees house. they said someone brought you both to the hospitle but then they disappeared. do I need to come home? does Rylee need to stay with us? I know her mom is all the way in California," my moms voice was shakey.

"umm yeah im okay mom. they told me I would be out of here soon," I kind of fibbed.

"well, okay sweety. please I need you to call me everyday from now on," my mom told me, "I doubt you father knows about this."

"okay mom and it is okay for Ry to stay with us right?" I questioned having no will to be im my house alone.

"yes for as long as she needs to." my mom said softly.

I love my mom. she is the kindest person I've ever met. she is my role model. she keeps a level head in almost every situation. without my mom I wouldnt be anywhere.

"I love you marry. ill be back soon," my mom stated slowly.

"I love you too mom," I couldnt help but give a small smile.

she hung up the phone. I heard a slight russeling in the bushes. I stood up and crept over to the window. I studdied the surroundings.

it didnt look like it had been messed with in years, over grown bushes and weeds with a little bit of thorns. I leaned over the window as far as I could.

my heart started pumping out of my chest. I saw a dark figure bent down behind a bush.

"hey!" I shouted leaning farther out the window than I should. the figure moved like it was going to run away. I leaned even farther out the window until I felt my self tumble out of the building and into the bushes.

the thorns scrapped my exposed arms. with my sudden scratches the figure burst to life darting towards me. my heart jumped. I couldnt tell if this person was going to hurt me or help me.

before I knew it the blue eyed dark haired boy was comming into focus. he was at my side in seconds.

"im so sorry! I could have caught you, I should have caught you and now your arms," the boy said in a panicked tone.

"its fine really," I said as pleasant as possible. the reality of the situation came into focus. "wait a minute.. you," I said in a sharp voice.

"um me?" the boy asked.

"yes you! you showed up out of nowhere and disappeared! and then my clothes and my makeup bag and now... Wait what are you doing here?!" I cried.

"I umm.." he trailed off not having the courage to look me in the eye.

"are you stalking me.!?!?!?!" I practally scream.

"no no of course not," he looked worried.

"then what are you doing here?" fear began creeping up my spine.

"I.. ugh you wouldnt believe me if I told you." he breathed his words.

"haha thats funny. what are you going to tell me your a spy and your here to gather information on me so you can arrest me?" I made the sarcasm clear in my voice.

"more like protection. and no not a spy. a gaurdian." he told me calmly and serious.

"protection from what?" I asked confused because I couldnt tell wheather he was lieing or not.

"sebastion." he stated.

"Sebastion? Who is Sebastion?" my head was spinning.

"didnt think you'd forget this quick." he attempted to joke. with a sigh he noticed I wasnt smiling, "the man who broke into Rylees house a few weeks ago."

"yeah sorry that I didnt stop in the middle of being choked to ask your friend his name." I said growing angry for no particular reason.

"he's not my friend. Marry you cant repeat this. you cant tell anyone. not your friends not your family not even those nosey doctors. you cant trust them they are not involved in this." his blue eyes searched my green ones. he was clearly waiting for an answer he most likely was never going to get.

"Marry, you cant stay in this hospitle," the boy looked at me filled with concern.

"what why?" I ask.

"he knows where you are. you have to leave. im not going to let you stay here." he told me matter O' factly.

"this is ridiculous. you cant possibly think im going to run away from a hospitle do you?" I stood up and he did the same.

"yes I do im not allowing you to stay here and get taken away by him so he can do only god knows what to you!" he shouted and put his strong hands on my shoulders, "and plus im a whole lot stronger than you and if I have to I will carry you out of here and force you to go back to you house," he spoke to me as if he was really concerned and worried for me.

"you will not," I said weakly hoping he was fibbing.

"try me," he said almost as a promise, "please trust me Marry."

"I trust you," I halfway mumbled. he smiled at me and reached for my wrist, but I pulled It away from him.

"woah woah wait a minute. you know everything about me when I dont even know your name?" he chuckled, "what," I ask.

"its just I tell you that someones out to get you and your worried about my name." he laughed even harder.

"sorry that I wanted to know my stalkers name." I scolded him.

"no im not your stalker. protecter." he corrected.

"yes because there is such a difference," I said.

"there actually is, but im not going to get into that right now," he flashed me a cute smile, "evan," he finished. I smiled back at him.

"Evan," I repeated.

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