~Chapter 20~

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I was eager for Evan to speak. the silence has stretched on for too long of a time. I searched his eyes which seemed to avoid my gaze. when he looked up from the floor he smiled.

"a long, long time ago," Evan started. a smile playing around on my mouth. "a young girl named Jasmine lived in a small house near a river. she found herself playing in it more than she should. for some reason the fascination drew her to the river. her parents would tell her horrible stories about the numerous who died in the river and about the dark angel with good intentions who watch over the rushing waters. 'Kuzon' they would say 'has unknown powers. he is ruthless. he gathers the lives of people who play in the river to bring his strength to the top' but Jasmine was so very stubborn. her fascination grew. the harder she tried to stay away the more she longed for it. one night she woke up to a strange light in her room. it disappeared instantly. what she didn't know is that it was Kuzon. he had grown acustomed to her visits to the river. many times he could have taken her life yet he did not. instead he would watch Jasmine. years passed while Jasmine would take secret visits to the river she was careful not to get into it as he hopped happily on the stones guiding herself across the river. but soon the stones got smaller. her foot slipped and the plunged into the water. usually when she was little she would have laughed when she fell into the water. but believe me. Jasmine was far from laughter. the waters were much stronger, causing her to fight for air. Kuzon was watching. he saw her struggling for air and soon sink down to the bottem. without another thought Kuzon dived into the water to rescue her. when he pulled her limp body out of the water he had to admit. he was in love with her. but he knew it couldn't happen. angels couldn't love humans, they spend their lives fighting against emotions. that's why the injection was created years after. Kuzon was quick to bring the life back into her. when she regained conciseness she saw him and realized how perfect he was. they stayed in their position staring at each other while Kuzon brushed back jasmines dark hair. she sucked in air as if in shock it was filled in her lungs. 'your okay now,'  kuzon said slowly. his words shot through her. she knew she had heard them before. she had heard them in a dream. 'your alright jasmine.' kuzon announced firmly. jasmine whimpering. they spent the rest of their day talking of what they enjoyed. jasmine found kuzons far more intresting. things such as slaying dragons or creating mini tornadoes.  jasmines consisted mostly of books. she was awfuly intelligent. Kuzon knew this after years of stalking her. but still he didn't mind listening to her rant about the importance of the written words on a page. in fact he found himself consumed in it, he found himself understanding more and more of why books meant so much to her. eventually after a year she announced she was in love him. and he did the same. they vowed to be together forever despite the nave. so one afternoon they got together and decided to run away together. Kuzon waited a long time for Jasmine, but she never came. he finally got himself to go to her house where he found none other than the nave holding her at gunpoint. 'please dont,'  Kuzon mumbled helplessly.

'it has to be done. you of all people know that Kuzon. what I cant believe is that you could possibly have it in you to betray everything you've ever know for.. this' said the nave sternly motioning to Jasmine.

'she's everything I've ever wanted. she has shown me so much, she's opened my eyes to all the possibilities--' kuzon got cut off by the soldier working for the Nave who held Jasmines life in his hands.

'jabber jabber jabber, I swear kuzon you have turned into one of them. It's so pathetic I mean look at yourself. so many Gaurdians look up to you and you inability to feel anything. you even shot your brother when he broke the law. after that you swore there would never be anything to break you, but now here you are kneeling before me and my ability to destroy this girls life.'

Jasmine whimpered. but not because her life was on the line, but because of what Kuzon had done to his very own brother.

'please I beg you,' Kuzon pleaded. in the next instant Kuzon and Jasmine stood in the Nave court room.

'we have come to order,' a young man said. 'this girl, miss Jasmine walker, will be executed.' he said is so casually, almost bored. as if executions were something he faces on a daily basis.

'No.!'  kuzon screamed pulling Jasmine to his side and cradling her head.

'I can do this Kuzon, I can do this for you.' Jasmine said running her finger across his cheek.

'let's get this over with hun,' a middle aged woman said softly to Jasmine. she looked at her with empathy. she guided Jasmine to the center of the room silently. 'be brave, Jasmine' said the woman. and she was. Jasmine took a deep breath accepting that this was for a goood a purpose. this was for Kuzon. This was for all the nights she snuck away from the house, for all the times her parents scolded her for playing in the river, for all the sleepless nights she spent with him stareing at the stars, this was for falling in love with an angel.

'wait.!' screamed a voice she had become very fond of. Kuzon. 'kill me.! kill me instead, spare her, let her live please.!' Kuzon yelped running to her. the tears that Jasmine never thought of filled her eyes.

'no kuzon,' jasmine whispered, 'your more important in this world than I am,'

'yes becase me the gaurdian of the river stealing lives of children, is more important than the sweet young girl who always has her noes in a book, who suffered from nightmares that I failed to make disappear.'

Kuzons voice was almost painful to listen to.

'Very well,'  One of the executors said, 'Kuzon valentine, you are here by sentenced to death for in the red book states there shall be no relations with humans,'

the executor slung the sword back ready to swing when without a second thought, without a cloud if doubt, Jasmine moved in front of Kuzon and excepted the blow of the blade that connected with her heart.

'it is done,' the middle aged woman mumbled. Jasmines body fell limp on the floor as the life drained out of her. Kuzon begged to die. he wanted his life to end with Jasmines. but the Nave refused. he lay silently next to jasmine becoming covered in her blood, as all the people fled the room. some time later Kuzon stood up. his heart wasn't filled with the sadness it had once been consumed in. it was now a pit of furry. the light faded away from the world a violent shaking rumbled the earth Kuzon let out a scream revealing the wings on his back that had turned red. lightning cracked through the darkness and brought red storm clouds. clusters of people and gaurdians-including the Nave- to find out what was happening.  Kuzon stormed out of the court room bringing booming thunder with him. the oceans grew rougher rising quickly. soon a tsunami forming in the Pacific.  the storm clouds let out drops of fire destroying the earth. Kuzon flew down braking buildings taking away the life of millions. Lightning set the tops of trees on fire. after 39 minutes of the world being brought to its knees an emotional serum was created.  this would temper the emotions allowing Kuzons wrath to stop releasing its furry on the world. an elder man jammed the needle in his neck, almost instantly everything stopped. the light returned. and the world would be able to recover, from what many were saying was the start of the apocalypse. Kuzon now felt nothing. he created a constellation in the stars a heart with a J and K in the middle as a reminder of what he had felt for Jasmine. of what he will never feel again. as a reminder of what he had lost.The Nave took precautions the injected all the gaurdians and the Nave members to insure that this kind of devastation never happened again.. or so they thought."

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