chapter 13

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Chapter 13~

the burning eased up. and the softness of Evans fingers creasing through my hair calmed my nerves.

"Marry, what did you see?" Evan asked me anxiety showing on his face. I explained the little vision of the eyes and the woods and the note hoping that it wouldn't mean I'm crazy.

"Pentagram," he mumbled.

"am I insane?" I ask partly afraid of the answer.

"I believe so," Evan told me, "but I'll have you know all the best people are."

"are you trying to quote Alice in Wonderland to me.?" I question.

"not helping.?" Evan said.

"not really," I replied.

"Can you stand up.? we really need to find leah?" Evan said concern tracing his features.

"yeah," I said. Evan helped me to my feet and I soon regained my balence.

Evan walked slower keeping his hands on my shoulders guiding me through the maze of people. I was aware of all the glances and envious looks, honestly I was too dazed out to care.

before I could grasp my surroundings they changed. Evan marched me into a large room.

the room before me was painted gray. the walls were spiraled with black stars and cresent moons. benches and chairs sat along the walls in rows creating a pathway to a large desk that contained a lit lamp and a petite brunette sitting on a stool behind it.

she had pale skin, much like evans, a slim figure, with caramel brown eyes. her face was flawless with stained red lips and perfectly crafted makeup around her eyes.

"Evan what took you so long.?" she shouted as we made our way to the desk. I kept myself somewhat hidden behind Evan.

"Leah, always a pleasure," he smiled and put his arm on my shoulder which he had moved when entering.

"remove your hands from her," leahs voice was cold, "your forgetting, mom did what she did as a secret."

"and you, leah, are forgetting that I am more than capable of keeping it a secret," Evans voice was harsher and more offensive than I've ever heard.

Leah looked down. "Evan, I know. it's just your my little brother, I love you and I dont want to see you get hurt."

something glitched in me. Selena must have hid Leah from the nave as well allowing her to keep her emotions.

"don't here that much," Evan mumbled.

"Never anywhere I can, being the head Nave in the human realm. they would know somethings up," Leah whispered. 

"okay so enough of this," leah started, "Allison.!!," Leah yelled revealing a young girl with white hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. not as defined as Evans but still very pretty, "Allison meet Marry. instead of your usual work schedule you will be assisting her. starting now you can help her stand so that Evan here can focus."

Evan gently let go of me and turned me over to Allison.

"okay so Evan what do you know about Sebastion.? have you descoverd his location and how he can hide under the radar.?"

"all I know is that he is playing mindgames. I see him every now and then but I get the feeling he wants me to see him, that he wants me to know that he's stalking her and that he knows where she is," Evan said.

"any allies you know of.?" Leah said calming herself.

"nope, I've seen him working with a few people but their faces were covered, when I tried to follow them they led me off somewhere away from Marry and then they disappeared making it almost impossible to get back to her, then when I do Sebastions in there with a vial and a knife. im not too sure what he's been trying to do, my guess is he is trying to collect blood but he cant break the barrier she gets scratches, I believe she has something in her, maybe an enchantment or something, because Sebastion dropped his knife one time when I pushed him out the window.. I studdied it, Leah it was covered with demon blood, if that gets into her.." Evan trailed off. he stared at me looking as if his eyes could feel with tears.

"it may have already been injected in her. demon blood can easily travel through flesh inchanted or not, and we still dont have his motives," Leah and Evan continues to talk as if I wasn't here.

"not necessarily," Evan mumbled, "we know he wants her blood."

"there are many uses for someones blood, Evan, you know that," Leah rubbed her head.

"yes but, Marry she has-" leah cut him off.

"yes, yes, I know undefined abilities, but for now I believe we need to focus on if this young lady has demon blood in her, if so that could be dangerously useful for Sebastion and his pentagrams," Leah and Evan both stared at me penatrating the the hard cover and entering the vulnerable me.

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