chapter 11

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Chapter 11~

when I opened my eyes I thought Evan had abandoned me. all I saw was an empty room. to my suprise I rolled over to find a weight beside me, it was Evan. he was completely respectful for my space he lay on the edge of the bed allowing me to have my distance.

For a moment I could only stare at his perfection. his dark hair flopped over his fourhead helplessly. his blue eyes covered with his eye lids couldn't contain the beauty of them opened, or the transe they lock me in. his full pink lips that were slightly parted, and his peachy flawless skin that defined him so well.

Evan was in his most vulnerable state. his eyes were moving under his lids, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about. a part of me hoped it was me.

for some reason he made me feel protected, probably because I now know that he has stalked me my whole life. It doesn't exactly bother me that I've had Evan looking out for me. if he hadn't been I may not be alive today.

Evans diffrent. Evans got spirit, hope, he has all the characteristics that I wish upon myself, I just havent been able to grasp them. he's been through more than me though, he's been raised diffrently, harshly.

he has all these rules he has to follow, all these expectations he has to live up to. I understand the feeling, its just that Evan has the ability in him, I dont.

I watched Evans chest rise and fall with each breath he inhaled. he does everything so wonderfully, that he makes the simplest things so mesmerizing.

"mmm, Marry?" Evan said snapping himself into the world.

"yes," I said feeling myself crave to reach out and touch his hair.

his eyes slowly open to reveal the hurricane engulfed blue ocean waves that are contained inside of him. "what are you doing awake?" he asked me.

"ohh I just kind of woke up, you know couldn't sleep." I said uncertain.

"well, I hope your awake now because your going to have alot of catching up to do." Evan assured me stretching himself breaking out into a yawn.

"are you sending me to another thearopest?" I questioned. my past experiences with  thearposts haven't gone very well.

"worse," Evan smiled, "my sister."

"why.?" I groaned covering my face with a pillow. Evan removed it.

"don't worry I'll be there with you."

"promise," I asked.

"promise," he told me.

I smiled up at the beautiful boy in front of me. I searched his face in scilence keeping the smile on my face. I couldn't resist it any longer, I reached my hand out and put it on his cheek, once again he covered it with his own hand.

"what?" he asked. I couldn't break my gaze.

"im just.. trying to make sure your real." I mumbled not realizing how wierd that sounded until the words were already out.

"Marry," Evan started, "if your worried im going to leave you, im not. why do you want me to stay so bad anyway.?" he asked me clearly trying to get into my thoughts. the truth was, I did want Evan to stay. he makes me feel safe. but not only that, I feel a connection to him. I feel like if I know him, I know myself. over the years I've lost sight of who I am, what I'm fighting for, and whem I'm with Evan, I can almost remember.

"it's just nice to know im not alone," was all I managed to choke out.

"I understand," he smiled unconvinced but he let the subject drop.

"so your sister," I sighed.

"ah right I forgot about her," Evan smirked.

"right," I mumbled.

"Whats wrong?" he asked.

"what if she doesnt like me.? what if she kicks me out and then I get sent to china or something.?" I asked growing frightened, "Evan no I'm not going, im going home." I stood up more determined than ever to retrieve my home.

"she will like you, and no your not," Evan stood up next to me, "besides we've been through this, I can carry you if you refuse." he smiled brightly at me as if knowing he had won.

"fine lets go get this over with," I stated.

Evan rushed to open the door for me which led into a now crowded hallway. I took a deep breath saying a silent prayer that I wouldn't be judged to harshly.  I followed Evan to meet his sister who had the power to destroy me.

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