chapter 8

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Chapter 8~

Evan reached for my wrist again and i let him take it. I quenched at the pain that shot up my arm where the engraving is. I almost forgot about it. 

I faught back against the burning that steamed up my wrist alowing Evan to pull me through the darkness.

"Evan, what about Rylee? wont he try to attack her too.?" I asked quieter than I should have.

"of course he will." he said as if it was a perfectaly normal thing to say.

"then we need to go get her," I tried to turn around but his grip on my injured wrist tightened. I held back a whimper.

"no Marry. she's probably already gone." he told me trying to pull me again but I wouldnt budge unless he wanted to drag me on the ground.

"what.? I dont understand.?" I sated feeling myself slipping. he swept my feet out from under me cradling me like you would care for a baby. and again he had that gental but firm grip which made me feel enough protection that I could forget about everything around me. he started walking again.

"because, im your gaurdian. only yours. Daniel is Rylee's gaurdian. you two are our responsibility," he told me. he sounded so sure of everything.

"but, what if your not there. what if I get kidnapped or killed.?" I stared into his blue eyes which were looking at the path in front of him, awaiting an answer.

"I'll be there. im always there. there are so many times you could have been put in that hospital but I was there to keep you out of it. im still so ashamed of myself that sebastions people were able to corner us in that long to where we couldnt get to you. and seeing you laying on the floor like you were waiting for him to come and take you, it broke me. I couldnt stand it. even when I just had to see you crying in your room. it gets to me so bad, because i know i cant comfort you. i know i could never get that close to you. i couldnt risk it. i couldnt have you knowing how close you were to dieing." he walked in silence for a while. I was on edge to speak. after telling myself he has probably been watching me for who knows how long. I couldn't make out where we were. it didnt look like we were going to my house and it worried me.

"it's okay, I wont let anything happen to you. I promise," he looked down at me smiling like he could read my thoughts, "and no. we aren't going to your house." Evan laughed.

"then where are we going.?" I question.

"my house," he smirked walking forward.

"Evan I dont know about this," I mumbled. he laughed.

"I made a promise didnt I.? you'll be fine Marry. besides its not exactly my house. its more like a protective place for gaurdians since we are well, you know." Evan said like it made perfect since.

"no, I dont think I know," I said.

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