chapter four;; "awkward.."

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//a little happy jiley since last chapter was a little more serious haha, enjoy loves\\

i take riley into my house. i decide to carry her in bridal style. she giggles and blushes.

it's hard to believe that we sort of just met and now she generally does trust me and i think even loves me. it's an amazing feeling and i'm just over joyed.

i take my girl over onto my bed and she looks serious again, "now james. i want to take things slow between us."

"chill baby, i just wanted to cuddle for a little bit," i lay down beside her and wrap my arms around her.

we cuddle for about twenty minutes then my sister, piper, walked in.

"james, mom wan–not again. ugh seriously do i always have to walk in on you doing it?!" she squealed and made me and riley laugh.

"don't worry pipesqueak, we were just cuddling," i say proudly and put my hand on riley's thigh.

"ohh wow that's unbelievable. do you actually have a permanent girl friend?" she giggled then walked over to face riley, "blink twice if he's holding you hostage."

"don't worry, we were just cuddling. nothing bad, completely innocent but this does happen to be very awkward right now," riley said as she sat up and then move closer to piper and whisper in her ear. but i can't hear what she's saying.

"anyways james, mom wants you guys to come down for some supper," piper stated and then she skipped away and riley stood up still wearing her dance clothes.

"do you wanna borrow some clothes?" she started giggling.

"your clothes won't fit me james," she continues giggling.

"i meant my older sisters clothes riles," she keeps smiling and damn i love it.

"sure, thank you," she bit her lip while i went and got her a dress that i think she will look good in.

"sure, thank you," she bit her lip while i went and got her a dress that i think she will look good in

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it may not be an important meal..but she is meeting my whole family. she deserves a pretty dress, am i right?

my eyes light up when i see the dress that james took to me. i never had a dress or even an outfit that looked that good.

i have the feeling i'm gonna like it here.

james leads me to his bathroom, i walk in and close the door, the door makes a locking sound.

i look at myself in the mirror. i look horrible.

my makeup is everywhere and my hair is a mess, what do i do now?

i began changing into the dress, it's very hard to zipper in the back. "james?!" i yell, i really need him to help me with this.

"yeah baby?" he knocks on the door and i unlock it.

he walks in and the dress falls down and he sees me in my bra and thong..i quickly pull up the dress and turn around, "will you h-help me zipper it..?"

"sure," he starts to tug at the dress and then whispers in my ear, "nice thong."

shivers where going up and down my entire body. along with every touch i couldn't stand it..i wanted to kiss him.

he finishes zippering the dress and i turn around to face him.

i grab his shirt and pull him towards me as i jump onto the bathroom counter so i can reach his lips, then i connect our lips together.

i slowly pull my hands away from his shirt and wrap my arms around his shoulders, while he deepens the kiss.

he slowly slipped his tongue into my mouth and i do the same thing. i quickly wrap my legs around him and next thing i know he's picking me up, not once breaking the kiss for air.

"james!" his mom yelled.

i didn't wanna pull away, but then he slowly pulled away..he was still very close to my face and said "later."

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