chapter seven;; "are you okay? im so sorry!"

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my dad left the school and left me with a poor knocked out, bloody nosed james.

"james? please..are you okay? i'm sorry james i really am so sorry i wish this didn't happen to you!" i hug him and tear up a bit.

i know he won't die..but it's a little scary when your boyfriend just got knocked out by your father..

suddenly james' brother, jake came in, "riley what happened?"

"my dad came in and got mad and punched him and now he's knocked out..the nurse is coming in a few minutes to check him out," i try not to tear up again.

"everything's gonna be alright, come here," he held his arms open to hug i went for it, i mean, jake is my friend. he may feel more but i don't so..

"g-get your hands off my girlfriend.." i push jake away and hug james, "hey baby."

"i'm so glad you're okay! i'm so sorry!" i keep hugging him.

"yeah i'm fine, my nose just hurts," i giggle and kiss his nose, "it's better now."

i blush and bite my lip, then james' parents come in and take us out to the car.

james got checked out by the doctor, there's nothing wrong, everything is alright with him thankfully.

now he's laying in his bed while i'm sitting across the room using his laptop. suddenly he gets a facetime request from luke.

"who is it riles?" he faintly asked, damn i thought he was asleep.

"luke, want me to answer?" i turn to him and he nods.

i click accept and then luke pops up on the screen, "hey riley! where's james."

"he's in bed," i reply and lean back in my chair.

"aw so i can come over?"

"what?" i'm actually shocked, literally shook as well.

"i meant you can come over here, and we can have a good time," luke winks at me ew.

i hear someone laughing, that literally doesn't make sense. it hurt james when he laughs.

"james?" i ask.

"oh yeah sorry riles, luke was just flirting on you to see if you would fall for it," he starts laughing again.

boys will be boys i guess.

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