chapter eighteen ;; "its what i had to do.."

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i wake up and it's around like 12, wow i didn't think i slept in this late.

i get up and hear james in the bathroom, i think he's on the phone.

"mom i can't do that!" james cried, sadly i can't hear the other side of the conversation, "i love her mom. don't make me do this!" i'm very confused as to what's going on, "fine..i'll do it...but please don't kick her out of the house," he replied again. i'm very scared and confused, "MOM! whatever goodbye."

and with that i ran back and pretended that i was just getting out of bed.

"good morning james," i say sweetly, i know what's about to go down...i just wish it wasn't going to happen..

"morning. let's go get breakfast," he said and looked very angry and i was a little scared not gonna's like he turned back into the old james? the player? the jerk? i honestly don't even know anymore.

"wait who were you talking to on the phone..?" i ask quietly.

"gosh riley do i have to tell you everything?!" he replied in a yelling tone.

i thought i could trust him and he could trust me? i know he was talking to his mom and i know he was going to break up with me. i just didn't want it to happen.

• • •

the rest of the day we kept fighting and james was being very rude to me, you couldn't even imagine. we begin to drive home and he starts talking, "i'm sorry for being rude today i just have something to tell you."

"well what is it?" i reply slightly annoyed at him. he doesn't have to treat me so horribly.

suddenly we pull up to my parents house...

"i-i'm breaking up with you," it's so hard for me to say those words.

"what? what did i do wrong? i don't understand..?" riley replied very confused and i just told her to get out.

she went back into her parents house, crying and i drove back to my place.

when i was on the phone with my mum, she told me that i had to break up with riley, that her parents said she went through something like this before and that she could really hurt herself, i don't see how me not being with her helps but apparently it does.

her parents also wanted her to move back in..i did what i had to do i just sucks because i love her. i treated her like crap.

i hate myself for treating her like that.

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