chapter nine;; "nothing makes sense."

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i've ran around the whole entire school looking for riley. i can't seem to find her anywhere.

it's stressing me out, i just want to hug her and tell her everything's okay. then all of a sudden i get a phone call from piper.

"pipes?" i ask worriedly, she never usually calls me at school.

"james, you need to come home now." she said as calmly as possible and then she hangs up the phone.

i quickly run to my car and drive to my house. i burst in and yell, "piper?!"

"shh james!" she replied. i followed her voice and saw a scared piper on the floor. i help her up but she pushes me away, "i-it's riley..she upset or something i don't know. she really scared me at school so i took her here and she said that everything sucked or something."

i hug piper for a second and then run upstairs to my room and knock on the door.

"piper, i told you i'm fine." i state during the sniffles.

"it's not piper, baby," it was james. of course. the last person i want to see right now.

my sister might've kissed him..but it still hurts.

i'm done with love. i'm done with james, my parents were right this whole time but i was stupid enough to choose james.

i quickly gather up my things and open the door, to see a very sad james sitting there nervous and upset.

"riles," he walked over to hug me but i push him away, "why do you have your stuff..?"

"i'm leaving," i say with no emotion. i've never felt this heart broken since i dated alex.

flash back;
"ri, you're the only one i love. honestly, i think about you day and night!" he said in a warm loving tone which made me feel like the only girl in the world.

"okay i trust you..let's go cuddle?" i ask shyly hoping he says yes.

"i-i don't think that's a good idea.."

"why not?"

i'm very confused at this point. i start walking to his room. hes hiding something.

then i see it..well it was a girl.

the rest of it was honestly a blur, but my heart was too broken to ever forgive him. i feel like the same thing is happening with james.

i quickly leave his house without saying a thing and run a few blocks away.

i honestly have no one to go parents hate me and i don't really have any friends.

then i think of someone...luke.

"hello?" he replies quickly.

"hey luke, it's riley," i say slowly and as calm as possible.

"is everything alright? you usually don't ever talk to me..."

"can you pick me up at the coffee shop..? i need somewhere to stay and james will come look for me soon.."

"i'll be there in five."

no, i do not like luke. he is just honestly the only person i know other than james really.

• • •

luke came and got me at the coffee shop, he took me to his place and let me sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor. it's now morning and i am just waking up..i'm sort of uneasy because of the dream i had.

i sit up in the bed and look around for luke, but he isn't on the floor or anywhere else?

then i hear movement behind me..

i slept with luke?!

"okay okay..please tell me i'm still asleep and that i didn't sleep with you or do anything," i beg and beg hoping what i was saying was true.

"riley, don't worry, we didn't do anything. you just told me last night that i didn't have to sleep on the floor, that you would be more comfortable with me up here with you," he stated and i believe him expect for the fact that when he stood up he was in his underwear.

i'm honestly very scared to go to school today. it's the second last day of the year so that means there isn't much work and there is lots of free time. i can possibly run into james...

luke drops me off at my school, he goes to a different school, it's an arts school.

completely jealous of him.

i walk through the halls with girls giving me weird looks, basically what used to happen before i dated james.

i go to my locker and put my books away. i then turn around and see james with...oh no..emily?

i feel this jealous rage in me that i want to scream. instead i run to the bathroom and call luke.

i don't give him the chance to talk when he picks up all i say is, "bring me the sexiest clothes you can find. nothing makes sense so it's time to get james back."

he just makes an "um-hum" agreeing sound and hangs up.

oh dear sweet james, you're gonna wish you never did this.

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