chapter eleven;; "this is unbelievable"

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i walk outside of luke's house, since i'm staying there now, to see alfie standing there in a really hot outfit. wow, i never realized how good he looked.

"you look amazing, riley," alfie smiled while putting his hand on my butt leading me to his car.

"thank you," not gonna lie this feel very strange and uncomfortable. i just wanted to get back at i really wanna go on a date with alfie to do that though?

i ignore my thoughts and just get into his car. we start driving for a bit and alfie keeps putting his hand on my thigh making it externally uncomfortable and it just seems unnatural.

i look out and realize that we were on the beach, it was a very romantic sunset..but all i can think about is james.

alfie looks at me and starts talking, "i've never noticed you before. i sort of wish i did," he began. great, he's sort of sounding like a dick, "because i really like you."

"you don't even know me? how can you like me?" i say and move away from him a bit. i have a feeling that i know where this is going and i don't like it.

"oh but i do, you're a hot dancer that is sweet and smart and i love everything about you," he said with an adorable smile..

"i'm ugly alfie, not hot or even sweet," i say shyly. i'm trying to get out of this. i know he is going to attempt to have sex with me..

and of course i was right. he moved closer to me and kissed me. it was the most gross kiss i've ever had. he keeps deepening it and i honestly don't want to be rude and just pull away.

he moves from my lips to my jawline, to my neck. he starts biting and kissing my neck trying to leave a hickey i think. "a-alfie..? what are you doing?" i know what he's doing, i just don't want it to happen.

"is it okay with you?" he asked with a very concerned look on his face.

"um..let's just stick to making out..?" i suggest since i really don't want to see him without clothes on.

"i want you so bad though, baby!" he begins to get angry...and im very scared, "you're the most hottest girl in school and i want you right now!"

he basically screaming stuff at me now and i'm just trying not to look at him. i reach for my phone and dial james' number without alfie seeing.

i want james to come save me, i want james to cuddle me and kiss me and say that it's all going to be okay.

i'm getting a call from riley? that's really weird she usually doesn't talk to me anymore.

i answer anyway. i love her.

"hello?" i answer and all i hear back is yelling and riley saying stop.."riley where are you?!"

"the beach!" she replied quietly.

i run out to my car and drive to the beach. once i get there it's pretty dark but i can see alfies car, that must be where she is.

i run over and i knock on the window. i really didn't know how to approach the i just knocked i guess.

"james!" riley yelled and practically jump out of the car into my arms, "i'm so glad you came, i was so scared of him and ugh i love you!"

all i want to do is say i love you too but then alfie came out so i move riley behind me and tell her to stay close.

"what are you doing with my girl?" alfie asked me. ugh he's so full of himself, riley doesn't even like him..i don't think so anyways.

"she isn't your girl, she's actually mine. she's always been mine. and from the way you treated her tonight, you're lucky that i don't punch you in the face for being so disrespectful. you can't treat a girl like that and you won't get a long term girlfriend if you keep doing that," and with that me and riley left alfie speechless and went home.

"i love you too," i say to riley while we are driving back.

all i see is her smiling and blushing. that's all i could ever ask for.

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