chapter twenty ;; "ugh."

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a couple of weeks of school pass by. i haven't heard from james since that day. but luke has been taking me too and from school everyday.

he also takes me to starbucks and makes sure i eat something, he doesn't trust me apparently.

it's now saturday night so luke is off on some gig with james, of course. he invited me to come with him but i decided to just stay home tonight you know? just go to sleep early and pretend that everything in the world is great.

i fall asleep around 10pm..but shortly after i am waken by the smell of something burning..

i get up to go check it out and i open my door and the stairs are all on fire!

"mom?! dad?!" there wasn't an answer. i go grab my valuables, i know i shouldn't but i'm sorry, of course i'm grabbing my expensive phone and necklace that james got me. i also throw on a big sweatshirt as quick as i could and go over to my parents room.

i open the door and walk in and they aren't there. oh right...they go out partying on saturdays.

the gig is just about to start when i get a phone call from riley.

"who is it man?" luke asked casually, he's my best friend of course i'm gonna tell him.

"riley, should i answer?" i ask him and luke nods.

i answer it and before i could say hello i heard a scared riley yell, "JAMES COME SAVE ME THERES A FIRE!"

"i'm on my way, don't worry baby," i tell her calmly and before i even tell the boys where i am going, i'm gone.

i don't care about the stupid band, all i care about is riley.

i hop in my car, call 911 and i'm driving to rileys house.

"SOMEBODY HELP I CANT GET OUT!" after my countless tries of getting out, i hurt my leg, so i called james to come help me.

i'm honestly freaking out inside and i don't know what to do. i'm sitting in my bedroom, holding a teddy bear just praying that i'll be okay.

suddenly i hear police cars and fire trucks outside.

i began screaming for help again. soon enough a tall fireman came in and got me out safely. now i'm sitting in an ambulance with oxygen.

next, i hear james, "c'mon man! haven't you ever been in love? that's the girl i love and i need to see her!"

and then i hear him beginning to cry, i attempt to take off the oxygen mask they have on me and i turn to the nurse, "please c-can my boyfriend j-james come with me?"

she quickly grabbed my mask and placed it on me again and nodded and james came in, i could clearly tell that he was crying...

maybe he really does love me..maybe he was forced to break up with me..i don't know, but i can tell that he cares about me..

//i hope this was good enough, sorry if it's bad aha\\

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