chapter twelve;; "goodbye?"

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me and riley walk into the house after my graduation, i'm finally done with school!

i just wont be able to see riley everyday..once i tell her about collage. it's been a week or so since the alfie situation, she still seemed touchy so i decided not to tell her yet.

"i'm so proud of you, baby," riley blushed and kissed my cheek.

i really loved it when she said stuff like that, "i'm so proud of you" it just makes me feel like i've done something right in this horrible world.

"i love you," i said proudly, "i've always loved you and i always will love you because you are the most beautiful and kind girl in the whole wide world."

and with that she kissed me. i wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. she wraps her arms around my neck and then slips her tongue into my mouth, i do the same. i don't know what has gotten into her ever since last week she didn't want me to touch her or even sleep with her. whatever i just ignore the thought and continue on.

i pull her body close to mine. she wraps her legs around me and i carry her upstairs. we make it to my bedroom and i lay her down gently on my bed and begin kissing her neck and leaving a couple of hickeys.

damn i love this girl.

after my perfect night with james, i decided to wake up early. you know, first day of summer, we can go to the fair! i haven't been there since i was a kid so i'm really excited because the fair is my favourite place to go.

i get up and have a shower, get dressed and then i hear james' phone go off. i pick it up and check it, i mean, he's my boyfriend he won't care.

Dear James,
Here is your collage schedule. You will need to confirm that you're going by next Tuesday. We hope you hear from you James.

j-james is going to collage..? i mean i saw this coming but..i don't want him to leave. i finally just got comfortable again and what if he leaves and i do something wrong like cheat on him or if he cheats on me? i don't know but, this whole situation is scaring me.

"good morning beautiful," james said happily sitting up in bed, suddenly his mood changed, "why do you have my phone?"

i look at the ground, i'm trying not to look at him because i know if i do then i'm going to cry, "a-are you leaving me to go to collage..?"

he got up and came and hugged me. that wasn't the answer i was looking for, but i took it. i began crying in his arms. i don't want him to go..but it's his career on the line..ugh i'm so upset.

"let's get ready for the fair, babe," he pulled away from the hug and whipped my tears away, "and smile. i love seeing you happy. it kills me when you're sad."

i plaster a fake smile on my face and go and pretend that everything is okay. i do my makeup and hair. i'm finally ready to go when i get a text from..alex?

"baby, i'm back in town! when can you meet up i miss you :("

"you broke my heart but yet you think everything's okay?"

"i miss you and your kisses >_<"
stop blushing riley, you love james.

"oh sure. you probably found another girl and already knocked her up :/"

"i just miss you my baby girl :* give me a chance?"
riley stop texting him.

"okay fine. meet me at the fair later?"

"oh you bet i will ;) can't wait to see how good you'll look. wear something sexy too, my love <3"

"anything for you :)"

riley you're so stupid. how will you explain this to james?

my mind is will i explain this to james?

• • •

i decided to change my outfit into something sexier while i go with james, i mean, i want to look good in case alex see me.

"riles? you seem to be focused on something other than our date," james said worriedly.

"sorry, i'm just thinking going with my family. they want me to stay the night at their place tonight," i lie, and with my luck it worked.

"are you sure? i just want you to be safe baby," he kisses my check. ugh i hate when i lie to him and i have the feeling i have from wanting to meet with alex.

"i'll be fine babe, don't worry about me," i reply.

we get through the night and i tell james that i'll walk home so "nothing bad happens" but something bad was gonna happen. i know i was gonna end up cheating on him.

i don't want to cheat on him but..i miss alex.

"oh boy, do my eyes deceive me or is that really my baby girl, riley?" i hear a very beautiful voice and i run up and hug him, "wow back off a bit babe. give me some space."

"y-yeah sorry i don't know what has gotten into me," i'm always constantly apologizing to alex, i just want to make him happy though.

"don't worry sweetheart, you probably just forgot the rules? want my to refresh your memory?" he asked. and here we go again.

alex had these rules that i had to follow before we broke up. the rules are basically he can be the only one who talks, i have to come up with weird names for him and i do whatever he says and wear whatever he wants me to wear basically. it's kind of messed up..but i love alex. i know i do. like james who? like james the one who loves you more than that dick could? shut up i know.

"don't forget the rules again okay?" alex took his hand and put it on my butt. i was used to it with him though.

then my phone went off, shit.

"who's that?" alex asked reaching for my phone.

"it's no one," i reply moving away from him.

"you have a boyfriend, don't you riles?" i just nod slowly. i've been caught. what else do i do? "bad bad riley...but i do like this side of you. does he know about me?"

"n-no.." i reply, but i really feel wrong doing this. i want james back. i told ya so. i know already. i get it.

"good, we shall keep it a secret honey," he smirked and than grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car.

"would you like to come to my place for the night? i live alone," he kept smirking and i just nodded.

my heart is saying no..but my mind is saying yes.

• • •

we are laying in alex's bed..i have a blanket around me since alex took all my clothes and threw them out. which means he's making me wear something worse tomorrow.

"so riley, we are gonna have to set new rules since you have a boyfriend now," he suggests and i just nod. i'm used to hearing stuff like this from him, "alright babe. so you can't have sex with him."

"w-why not..?" i ask shyly. i'm not really supposed to 'talk back' to him but i just still don't feel right.

"why? why she asks. because you are loyal to me. now you must act rude to him, you know, act like your old popular self," of course he had to bring that up, "oh and make sure that you distance yourself from him. and you will move in with me."

"i-i can't. i live with my boyfriend," i say with a little more confidence.

"that wasn't a question."

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this.

//so a little bit of a twist. do you remember alex from chapter 9? well he's back lol. i hope this book is still good. i'm trying my best to make good. if you have any suggestions or tips then comment? also do not worry jiley will not be over forever they will be back! but as of right now riley is experiencing old feelings lol, love you all!! \\

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