chapter five;; "tell us about yourself."

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james helps me get cleaned up then we go downstairs to the dinning room to meet his family.

"so guys, this is my girlfriend riley," james says proudly with made me really happy. i love how adorable he can be.

to be honest..i always thought james was adorable, ever since he dated my sister.

"um..hi," i say shyly to everyone, and they all smile at me. it's actually a little creepy not going to lie.

james pulls out a chair for me, like a gentleman, then he sits down beside me and puts his hand on my clearly exposed thigh, since the dress is very short.

"so riley," his father began speaking, "tell us about yourself."

"okay..well, i'm a dancer," i honestly don't really have anything else that's interesting about me, "i never really wanted to be one though. my family is very strict and whatnot. dancing 'runs in the family and i can't break the chain' according to my dad. i really wanna be a singer/songwriter."

"really? i didn't know that.." james said looking at me with soft eyes, it's definitely a side of him i've never seen before. having him say that made me realize, we don't really know anything about each other.

"well, miss riley, now that you live with us, you don't even have to dance if you don't want to," james' father stated, "heck, james even has a band! maybe you could do a collaboration with the lead singer and get your music out there."

"really? i mean if james didn't mind that would honestly be amazing," i smile and get all these thoughts and ideas in my head. so i'm thinking a love song, not a sad one, but a happy one.

"i'll message luke and the boys later on, i'm sure we would love to have you on board with our band, riles," james says smiling.

damn he's adorable.

once supper is over, riley offers to help my mom clean up this dishes, so while i wait for her i just play with my four year old brother, jason.

"james, you're really good with kids," riley said and i looked over at her beautiful figure, she blushes and walks over and sits on the couch, "he's adorable...he looks like you."

i smile and nod, "well buddy, i'm gonna have to go alright? same time tomorrow?"

jason laughed, "yooou betcha duuude," he said in a very adorable way.

• • •

me and riley are now in my room, she's using my lap top for homework and i'm just on instagram on my phone.

i then realized that i should probably get bed clothes and whatnot for riles, "i'm gonna go in my sisters room for a second okay?"

"yep," riley says putting on her glasses and working hard.

i chuckled and go to my sisters room and grab some bras and gotta change that stuff sometimes right? i also get some short shorts and an outfit for tomorrow.

i quickly run back into my room and close the door and lock it.

"riles?" i ask and she sets her stuff down and turns around to face me, "um..i got you some for tomorrow and tonight and..extra bras and underwear."

i tried not to be awkward okay?

"thank you james, i really appreciate it," she giggles.

"you can try them on if you want? make sure it fits?" i bit my lip while she nodded standing up.

"where's the bathroom again?" she asked.

"you don't need to go in the bathroom if you don't want to.."

next thing i know she unzips the dress and steps out of it. she turns around and picks it up. it was obvious that she was teasing me since she was wearing a thong. damn did it ever work.

she undid her bra, with her back towards me...little did she know, there was a mirror so i could still see her.

riley put on the bra and then grabbed the other underwear and stepped out of her own then bent down to pick it up and put on the new pair.

she then turned around do face me, "d-do you think it looks okay?"

"hell yeah," i said almost too fast, oops, "i mean yeah it looks very good..hahaha"

she giggled then slipped on the bed clothes i gave her, "now where do i sleep?"

i got out of my bed and pointed towards it. she walked past me, set her glasses on my night stand and slowly lie down in the bed.

i slip my shirt off and climb into the bed with her. i cuddle with her and we both had a peaceful sleep together.

i could get used to this.

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