chapter six;; "she actually chose you?"

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it's about 6:00am and i am woken up by james' sister and brother fighting.

i quietly get out of bed and go see what they're fighting about, "hey piper? what's going on here?"

"well jake is being a dickhead!" piper exclaimed, jake is another one of james brothers.

"who are you?" jake smirked, he's around james' age, and not gonna lie he's actually sort of cute.

"i'm your brothers girlfriend, now you guys should be quiet, we all have to get up and get ready for school in like an hour." i explain to them. they nod and both go their separate ways.

i go back into james' room and go into his bathroom, i decided to leave the door open since he's asleep.

i start the shower and just double check that james is still asleep. i take off my clothes then set them neatly on the counter and then get in the shower.

i first wash my hair and then start to wash my body then suddenly i hear someone say my name, "riley? babe?"

it's james. "i'm in the shower!"

suddenly i hear the door close? he must've closed to door so he wouldn't see me. i'm sure of it.

"so..mind if i join you?" i see james peeking into the shower with an adorable smile on his face.

i quickly grab the shower certain and wrap it around me, "seriously james?"

"c'mon please, baby girl," he wined.

"i'm almost done, sorry," i pull the certain over and finish my shower.

i get ready to step out and then i see james there holding out a towel for me. i slowly move towards him and he wraps the towel around me and starts drying me off.

why is he doing this? that's a little weird if you ask me? all my other boyfriends would never do something like that.

"riles, i said i would take care of you," james states and i start blushing.

"well i didn't expect you to dry me off and stuff," i start giggling.

"that's what i want to do, take care of you in ever way," he sighs, "i'm the reason your family kicked you i'm gonna be like your dad."

"my boyfriend is now my dad?" i'm honestly so confused right now.

"no, but you know what i mean. i wanna also be there for you and stuff. i'm not just all about sex you know. don't you trust me?"

"yeah i trust you."

• • •

james and i walk into school together, he's in the grade above me, grade 12, so we don't have any of the same classes which sucks, it's nice to know someone always has your back.

"now riles, i have basketball practice today, you want to go home with jake or wait for me," james asked me casually. he seems to be acting differently since we are at school. i get it though he does have a bad reputation.

"whatever you would rather me to do, i honestly don't care," i say back..i don't know he just doesn't seem as sweet as he did this morning.

he just shrugs, "you can wait for me i guess?"

"sure," i'm honestly sort of sad. he's acting like a dick right now, "can i like talk to the real you for a second and not your reputation?"

he grabs my hand and pull me to the side, "yeah baby what's wrong?"

yep there's my guy.

"you don't have to act weird around me, you know that right?"

"i know, but i have a reputation to uphold."

"how about if i start acting different then you can be nice to me at school too?" i feel bad that this is what it has come to..i want to feel the love and comfort i felt this morning..and this is what it takes.

"yeah that could you know how to act like me?" james asks, "i mean if you wanna be like me maybe i should give you some lessons."

he begins smirking and then he pulls me closer to him. he starts leaning in for a kiss as a teacher walked by..

"principles office now, you two. i am very disappointed in you, riley." the teacher said as me and james follow the teacher.

• • •

me and riley are just sitting in the office waiting for our parents to come. well my parents, we are suspended for today apparently. i honestly don't understand why though.

"dude, you're in trouble again?" luke asked laughing at me clearly, "and who's the beautiful girl who's also in trouble?"

"i'm r-riley," she starts blushing.

this makes me mad.

"oh, your james' girlfriend?" he asked.

"damn right she is," i put my hand on her thigh and she looks down, "you okay baby?"

"she actually chose you, james? she isn't even the type of girl who you would hook up with, let alone date," luke stated and then started to walk away winking at my girl.

"idiot," i mumble to myself.

riley doesn't say anything, i don't expect her to.

suddenly rileys father walked in..

"of course, two days of you with him and he's already getting you in trouble? you realize what this could do to your dance career and your future?!" her dad yells at her and people in the hallway stop and look in.

i stand up and i'm ready to defend my girl, "you have no right to talk to her that way."

"yeah, what makes you say that?"

"she doesn't deserve you being so rude to her! she's an amazing person and you are putting her down and making her feel like crap! you are definitely no father to her. she doesn't need you now, she's perfectly fine with me." i don't care about my reputation right now, my girl is getting hurt by this mans disgusting words.

then the last thing i could remember is her dad punching me..

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