chapter sixteen ;; "im not going back."

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i finally get to come back home and see riley! i've missed her so much, i hope everything is okay with her and ugh i just love her.

i walk into my house, my whole family surrounding me with hugs..but riley isn't here?

"mom, where's riley?" i ask worriedly.

"she's upstairs. she has been very distant lately, she hasn't been talking to any of us and she doesn't really eat anymore," my mom replied sadly.

i run upstairs to my bedroom and open the door and i see a small figure on my bed.

"did you miss me?" i say with a smirk and she looks up..she looks awful. i wonder what's going on with her?

"y-yeah i did," she sniffled and laid her head back down.

i come over and lay beside her and she cuddles up to me. she starts to cry as well.

i just let her do it with no question. i just want her to let it all out and be okay.

"i-i should probably go to the bathroom," riley says as she begins to leave my embrace.

i just nod and she walks away. after a couple minutes i hear throwing up? oh no...she isn't pregnant right? we didn't go all the way as far as i know..oh no i could ruin her life!

i run over and knock on the door, "you okay riles?"

all i hear is coughing then i open the door.

i look up and see james, i flush the toilet and wipe my mouth.

"explain?" james asked.

i knew that it was time to tell him everything.

• • •

"i'm not going back to collage," james stated, "im staying here and protecting you."

"james no. i'll be fine," i reply softly.

"no you won't be fine! you're practically dying here riley!"

"i'll start eating again, i'll be more confident.. i don't wanna ruin your career."

and with that he pulled me close to him and told me everything will be okay, he said he will do anything as long as i'm okay.

• • •

after a few days, james had to leave again sadly. he was only supposed to stay for the weekend but he stayed a few extra days to make sure i was better.

now james is gone again and i'm back to hell. i walk in the school casually, waiting for bad stuff to happen when a group of girls notice me and wave me over to them. i do as they say, my goal today is to come home with no scars or bruises. you probably shouldn't have that goal.

"hey, riley right?" a girl that was an exchange student from sweden asks.

"yeah that me," i reply shyly and hesitantly.

"cool! let's be friends? you need to let loose and i can show you how," she implies. take the offer riley. you have no friends.

"sure that would be awesome..what's your name?"

"ella," she replied sweetly, "now come on we must go cause some trouble before class!"

and with that she grabbed my hand and started to pull me away from her group of friends, at least i think they're her friends.

"you see that guy over there?" ella asks and i nod, "he's been checking you out. go get his number!"

"no i can't i have a boyfriend," i reply, hoping not to get beaten up.

"well boyfriends aren't forever now right? you need to let loose girl! boys are fun and your boyfriend won't even know!" she's making this sound like it won't hurt anyone..

"but that's wrong? like isn't it cheating..?" i'm sort of getting nervous, i've barely met the girl and she's trying to ruin my life.

"riley smith please come to the office."

thank god i get to leave ella.

"sorry that's me, catch up with you later?" she just nods than heads over to the boy.

i get into the office and i see james and his parents there..what's going on?

then i come in a bit farther and parents? i don't understand.

"w-what's going on? james i thought you were back at collage..." i looked at him with hurt in my eyes and he just mouthed the words "i'm sorry".

"riley, we believe that you are acting a bit different. now you can do this in a few different ways, you can tell us what's going on, tell the school guidance people or go to the hospital," my dad said. i don't know why he's acting so calm.

"c-can i tell james..?" i ask trying not to cry. maybe i've been effecting the people around me?

"no riley. james isn't an choice," my dad said in a more angry voice. that's the guy i know and hate right there.

"well glenn," james' dad began, "they do have a strong bond. i think maybe if we gave them a few days alone james could make riley feel a lot better about herself and whatever situation this poor girl is in. we can't force her to talk to us, we need her to talk about someone who she's more comfortable with. that's if you want her to get better sir. because i became to love riley like my own and i hate to see her sad, so whatever it takes, i'm going to make her better."

james and i both looked at his dad in disbelief. his dad never really 'fully' supported us and now he's treating me like his own daughter? i couldn't be happier right now.

"whatever john. i just don't want to hear from that child ever again so long as she's with that pig," and with that my dad pointed at james and grabbed my mom and left.

i ran over to james giving him a hug, "i already told you everything james. there's nothing else wrong and i'm not lying."

"i know baby girl, i know," he kissed my forehead. and with that i guess i have a few weeks alone with james?

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