chapter one;; "you did not just call me babe."

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"you probably know me," i began speaking to this random girl in the hallway at school, "i'm a high level hip hop dancer..wanna come over later and i can teach you my favourite moves?"

a smirk begins to curl into my lips and the small girl looks at me and laughs then walks away.

"excuse me? miss, you were supposed to say yes then come over to my place and have sex." i start to wine like a child, so i get what i want.

the beautiful girl walks back to me and grabs my shirt and whispers in my ear, "aww james i'm sorry. i would love to come over..." she pulled her hand away from my shirt and of course with her doing so, i can tell that my little 'friend' decided to come..i try to hide it though.

"alright babe, let's go to my car.." i began then move to her ear and whisper, "i don't know if i can wait for the 15 minute drive."

the girl giggles and pushes me away and says really loud, "first of all, the only way you're getting into these pants is if you bother to get to know me or even ask me for my name. second of all, you did not just call me babe? you had the nerve to call me babe? boys are so disrespectful and irresponsible, that it's horrifying."

wow...she's smart too. damn. i want her more then ever right now.

" what's your name? what's your favourite colour? what do you wanna be when you grow up?" she begins to open her mouth to reply but, "there i pass the test!"

"not that easy, 'babe'," she giggles then walks away.

damn. i still don't know her name.

"wait!" i run after her.

"what?" she said clearly annoyed.

"tell me your name.."

she bit her lip and walked closer to me and whispered in my ear, "riley."

that sent shivers down my spine. i need this girl. i want this girl.

i want riley to be mine.

then she walked away and left me with my thoughts. i loved her just made me so happy. and if you must know, when i set my mind to something, i get it. plain and simple.

i'm also sort of a player..but i don't just wanna have sex with this girl and then leave her. no, riley is a mystery and i must find the conclusion.

//hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i definitely enjoy writing. leave a like and a comment? aha. updates will most likely be short but often. love you all \\

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