chapter thirteen ;; "you did not."

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today was the first day in awhile that alex has dressed me. he picked out a very pretty outfit that i actually loved.

 he picked out a very pretty outfit that i actually loved

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i think i look really good.

i head over to james' house...i don't want to leave him. i'm going to explain everything and tell him i made a mistake.

i walk into his house casually since i basically live there, "wow riley you look beautiful," jason said and winked at me.

"thanks jason," i giggled and then started to walk upstairs. then i turned around and said, "stop looking my ass please and thank you." then i continue up the stairs.

"wow what got into her?" i could hear jason ask piper.

i knock on james' door and he tells me to come in so i do and i set my bag down on the ground.

he walks out of the bathroom in just his jogging pants and then he looks at me and his jaw drops.

"oh no. do i look bad? i'm sorry i shouldn't have put this on ugh i'm so stupid!" i go and grab some clothes that actually cover me up and then just as i go to change james stops me.

"riley you look beautiful," he kissed me.

ugh i love him. i kiss him back and we stand there kissing for a few minutes. then it hits me, i forgot about alex. i pull away from james and start crying. i go plop on his bed and he comes over asking me what's wrong and i tell him basically everything.

"words can't describe how awful i feel!" i cry even more, i honestly hope he forgives me for being horrible.

"i'm glad you're alright baby, i don't trust that guy. he didn't do anything to you right?" james asked calmly.

"y-you aren't mad..?" i'm so shocked right now.

"yeah i'm mad but, what's the point in taking it out on you? i understand that alex is a bad person and i don't want you to get hurt. as long as i know you love me and not him," he grabs my hands.

"i do love you james."

"and him?"

"i don't think i love him. he played me..."

"and i'll never do that to you. now, let's go kick his ass for being a dick to my girl," james gets up and puts a shirt on.

"i'm gonna change," i half suggest then i just go do it anyways.

"no," he said, "we need you to flirt with him and stuff. as much as it'll kill me, i want to kill him."

"don't you think you're going too far?"

"nothing is too far for you."

this situation is all so confusing to me. what even is going on anymore?

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