chapter twenty one ;; "a dream?"

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i wake up in a hospital room, i look around at everything and study every detail about the room. the windows were small, but they were enough to let the cool, brisk air in.

the lights were dim, but bright enough to lighten up the room. i was connected to a machine thingy, i don't really know what it is, but it's confusing..

i don't understand what's going on...i thought it was only a little fire with a little damage? i thought i just hurt my leg and that was it? why am i in here? how long has it been? so many questions are burning through my brain right now..

suddenly i hear the door open and see..james?

"oh james! i'm so sorry i love you so much! i know that you were the one who dumped me but i'm just so sorry for whatever i did, i love you!" i exclaimed and jumped off the bed and hugged him.

"whoa whoa there riley..about a week ago you hated me..? plus you need to lay down. it's bad for you to be getting up," james explained and helped me lay back down.

"j-james i don't understand..a week ago? we've known each other for like a year? we dated?" i questioned him, "the last thing i remember is a fire and then you came and saved me!"

"look girl, i don't understand what you're talking about. i tried to win you over last week at the studio but you fell in got hurt in the middle of a dance routine, you've been out cold for a week. i think you've been dreaming the whole time? but the fact that you were dreaming about me is pretty awesome," he explained and began blushing.

wait it was all a dream? everything i went through? kissing james, meeting luke, living with james, seeing alex again, being disowned by my family, and getting my heart broken was a dream? this can't be. it's been a whole year for crying out loud! i just don't get it, i was in love..

i guess nothing lasts forever..i may have loved james..but seeing him right now in this moment he doesn't seem like the james i fell in love with. he's that same old cocky james i met back at the studio when he tried to win me over by 'picking up my bra' or something.

i remember it just like it was last week, which apparently it was...

it's a crappy ending i know, but i'm sorry i really was feeling like this book was starting to get no where..i am thinking about writing a book that isn't tns related, i want to like make up my own characters and just make everything be original...would anyone read it? and again i'm so sorry for this horrible ending, if everyone is unhappy with this i can try and make this go longer...but it wouldn't be that good/wouldn't be my best work.

anyways thank you for all the love on this book, ily all so so much and i cannot thank you enough for all you're endless support for this book♡

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