His Little Harlequin

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Jokers POV

I knew I was screwed. None of my goons would attack her. She had always been so kind to them and knew them all by name! And no doubt her boys were waiting for her command to attack.

"Alpha...darling... I've missed you. What has it been? Two years?" I said rubbing my hands together nervously as I strode over to her.

"Yes well, time flys when you're having fun." She said nodding to Harley.

"Oh, her? She's...she's no one! Honestly!" I said attempting a smile.

"Puddin!" Harley screeched.

"Puddin huh?" Alpha said walking over and circling Harley like a hungry shark.

"Yeah! What's it to you?" Harley asked.

"Harley, shut up!" I said turning around.

"BOYS!" Alpha yelled making Harley jump.

Suddenly a bunch of Alpha's boys came in.

Alpha turned and walked over to Frost.

"Hey, Frost. I missed ya." Alpha said smiling lightly.

Frost nodded. "Same here, Miss Nashton."

"Frost! Remember what I said, don't be so formal all the time." Alpha said jokingly.

Her gaze turned to me.

"Now my boys and I don't want any trouble, so if you would kindly tell your wonderful goons to leave the VIP section that would be great." Alpha said smiling.

I waved my hand and all my goons left.

"M-Mista J? What are you d-doin?!" Harley asked.

"Shut up, Harley!" I yelled and raised my hand to hit her.

Alpha growled and gave me a look making me lower my arm.

"That's no way to treat a lady, Jack." She said walking over.

"Jack?" Harley asked clearly confused.

"You didn't tell her your real name?" Alpha asked seeming a bit surprised.

"No." I mumbled.

"Ha! Oh Harleen, I have soooooooo many things to tell you." Alpha said smiling.

I gave Alpha a pleading look but she ignored it.

"L-Like what?" Harley stuttered.

"Harleen Quinzel, do you know why they call me Alpha?" Alpha asked a glimmer in her eye.

I saw a smile form on Scarecrow and Zsasz's faces.

"Why?" Harley asked.

"Two reasons. One, because I love the alphabet. And two, because I'm a beast in bed." Alpha said as her boys began to chuckle.

Alpha smirked and shot a glance at me.

"P-Puddin?" Harley said looking at me.

I could see her connecting the puzzle in her head.

"You bitch!" Harley roared.

In a split second Harley had her bat in hand and swung it at Alpha but Alpha simply grabbed the bat and twisted it with ease making Harley scream out in pain.

"Alpha." I said making her stop.

She looked at me not taking her hand off the bat.

"So you do care about her?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

I didn't answer so she let go of the bat causing Harley to fall to the floor.

"Alright. I didn't want to bring up these awful memory's from the deepest part of hell where I've stored them, but you've left me no choice." Alpha said sitting down.

She grabbed Harley's bat at threw it at one of her boys who caught it. She then took Harley's guns and threw them to someone else after examining them. Then she grabbed Harley's other arm and pulled her up so that she was sitting next to her.

"It all started two years ago..." Alpha began and I sat down putting my hands in my green hair. "I was a little girl of 18. I had my issues, but who doesn't. My parents loved me and so did my brother. But my dog... no she didn't love me. I loved her with all my heart! I picked her out of all the puppy's in her litter! Yet she didn't love me. She thought of me as more of a sister, a play friend. Now she loved my mother cause my mother gave her leftovers. She loved my father cause he walked her. So one day I killed her!" Alpha said her expression barely changing.

(A/N: hey y'all, I wrote this many years ago and I'm re-reading and editing it right now and I just gotta say this shit is wack as hell and 14 old me was fucking weird 😂)

"Oh my god! You killed your dog?" Harley yelled.

"Mhm." Alpha hummed nodding, unfazed.

"J! Are you even hearing this?" Harley said shaking my arm.

"Yep." I said taking my hands from my hair and looking at Alpha.

She just smiled at me. How I missed that smile these past two years.

"Annnyway after that my parents obviously thought I was insane, so I knew I had to run away. I took some money and left. I knew I wanted to go to Gotham. I had always wanted to go and now was my chance! The murder, the mystery, the insane! I knew I'd fit right in. My brother ran away to Gotham when he was 18, why couldn't I? Plus, I had always had a thing for a certain crazy clown that lived there." Alpha said and smiled making me smile which made Harley attempt a growl.

Alpha laughed, rolled her eyes, and continued.

"Once I arrived I was mugged and the same guy tried to get all handsy me. Don't worry though, Batman saved me. He took me to his house and took care of me and soon we became close friends." Alpha said.

"Wait you became close friends with B-man? So...so that means you know who he is. Mista J! Are you hearing this?" Harley said excitedly.

I nodded my head and smiled.

"I know. I've been trying to get the name out of her for years." I said looking at Alpha.

"I'll get it out of her, Puddin! I will!" Harley said standing up.

Alpha's boys clenched their fists and looked at their leader.

"Down." She commanded raising a hand and they relaxed...a bit.

"Come on, I'll take you! I'll take you right here right now!" Harley said with her fists up.

"Are you sure you don't wanna get your weapons first?" Alpha joked making her boys laugh.

Harley whined.

"Harley, I don't think you wanna do this." I said taking her hand.

"Why not, Mista J?" She asked looking at me.

"Cause you're gonna get your ass kicked if you do." I said trying to keep a serious face.

A huge smile broke out on Alpha's face.

"Don't you know it." She said.

Then Harley punched her in the face.

"What. The. Fuck." Alpha spat, anger in her eyes.

Harley scooted back a little.

"You should have listened to your puddin." Alpha spat, a bit of blood coming out of her mouth.

In a split second Alpha punched Harley in the stomach making her hunch over. Alpha then kneed her in the face making Harley fall the the floor.

I stood up and got between the two girls.

"Now now Alpha, that's no way to treat a lady." I said smiling.

She smirked at me and within two seconds she had a knife to my throat.

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