The Call

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Jokers POV

I was sitting in my office trying to figure out Alpha's little plan when Frost burst through the doors.

"Alpha...she's here. She said she needs you." Frost said out of breath.

I didn't hesitate.

I ran down the hallway and turned a corner and saw (Y/n) standing in tears in the entryway.

I ran down the stairs two at a time.

She took a couple of steps towards me and she collapsed on the floor. Luckily I caught her before she could hit the ground.

I slowly sat down and placed her in my lap. I wiped away her tears and rubbed her head gently.

"M-my p-parents...they're d-dead." Alpha said between sobs.

"I thought they were awful to you?" I said a bit confused.

"T-They w-were b-but that d-doesn't m-mean I d-d-didn't love them!" (Y/n) exclaimed looking up at me.

I nodded.

"Did you tell your brother?" I asked.

"N-no. I'll tell him when I can be there for him...right now I just wanna cry..." Alpha said and nuzzled her face in my chest.

Some of my goons had gathered but I quickly waved them away.

(Y/n) hates crying. She hates it even more when she does it in front of others.

"Come on, lets get some rest. Nothing can hurt you when you're sleeping right?" I asked, picking (Y/n) up carefully.

She nodded and put her arms around my neck.

I carried her up to my bedroom and placed her on the bed.

"Can I lay down next to you?" I asked.

I know it's a stupid question but I don't know if she wants to be alone or not.

(Y/n) nodded so I climbed in bed next to her.

Soon she snuggled up to me and laid her head on my chest.

I sighed and began to play with her hair.

I hated to see her cry. She almost never does so on the rare occasion when she does it pains me.


A few day passed and (Y/n) was still at my place.

She spent most of her time in the library wearing comfy clothes and not eating much. The eating thing worried me.

I got her all her favorite foods but she just ate a few bites. I thought of calling someone but I figured I could handle it myself. Finally I gave in.

I was standing outside of the library looking in at (Y/n) when I dialed the number.


"It's Joker...could you come over to my mansion...I'm worried about (Y/n)...." I said quietly.

"What the fuck is she doing at your place?"

"Just get over here." I growled and hung up.

I knocked on the door of the library lightly.

"Come in." I heard (Y/n) say quietly.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked walking over and sitting in a chair.

"Fine." (Y/n) said flipping a page of her book.

"...I invited someone over..." I said hesitantly.

"Who?" (Y/n) asked looking over at me.

"Just promise ya won't kill me." I said forcing a smile.

"Who is it?" (Y/n) asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ym bromthmer." I mumbled looking at the floor.

"Jack...who did you invite?" (Y/n) asked getting a bit impatient.

"Your brother." I said looking at her.

"What! I told you I wasn't ready to tell him. How could you?" (Y/n) yelled now standing with her hands in her hair.

"I'm worried about you! You're not eating! You don't even have to tell him!" I said also standing.

"You're a pain in my ass." (Y/n) spat.

"I wish I was." I said grinning.

Alpha sneered and I put my hands up.

"It was just a joke!" I said in defense.

"We both know it wasn't." (Y/n) spat.

I hid a smile as Frost walked in.

"Riddler's here." Frost said as Riddler pushed right past him.

Alphas POV

"What are you doing here?" Ed said striding towards me.

"I-I..." I stuttered.

"She can make her own choices." Joker stated.

"Don't you start! After what you did to her be glad I'm not strangling you right now!" My brother said getting in Jokers face.

"I'd like to see you try." Joker spat back also getting in Ed's face.

"Stop it! You two are acting like children!" I yelled which made Ed look at me and Joker look at the floor.

"Why didn't you come to me?" Ed asked quietly.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I know. I know they're dead." Ed said flat out.

"I-I didn't want to tell you...I was too shocked. I wanted to be there for you but I knew I couldn't when I found out." I admitted.

"Oh, (Y/n)." Ed said as he walked over and hugged me.

I hugged him back and sniffled.

"I'm your big brother remember? I'm the one who's supposed to be strong." Ed said pulling away and looking at me.

"I don't ever want to put all that pressure on you." I said.

"I don't mind. You're all I got now, kid." Ed said smiling sadly.

"There's just one thing I don't'd you find out?" I asked.

"The police called. They told me what happened and that they contacted my sister and she just hung up." Ed told me.

I nodded my head.

"I guess we'll have to go back home. We have bury them right? I mean I know they never understood us but they loved least I think they did..." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

Ed hugged me again before telling me he was gonna go pack.

After he left I turned to Joker.

"That must have been a bit weird for you." I said looking over at Joker while folding the blanket I was using.

"A little...I didn't really know what to do." Joker said as I picked up the books I was reading.

After I put them away I walked to the door.

"Thanks for being there for me and letting me stay here." I said facing the door.

"Any time, my dear." Joker said sweetly from behind me making me turn around.

"I'm still going to fuck up your pretty face and perfect body." I said smirking.

"Oh come on!" Joker exclaimed as I walked out of the library and closed the door.

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