Lunch With Bats

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes.

Apparently I had fallen asleep and now I was in Ed's bed? He probably put me here just before he went to bed.

I peeked out into the living room and sure enough there was Ed, asleep on the couch.

"Good morning, (Y/n)." A deep, manly voice said.

"Hey, rich boy." I said immediately knowing that it was Bruce Wayne also known as Batman talking to me.

"I was wondering if you would like to come over for lunch to catch up, maybe I could even convince you to stop crashing peoples clubs and becoming the nations most wanted criminal." Bruce said which made me laugh.

"Oh Brucy, you never will learn." I said rolling my eyes.

"My place, 10 minutes sound good?" He asked.

"Sounds great, see ya soon Bats." I said and hung up.

I walked over and poked Ed's side.

"I'm going to lunch, I'll see ya later." I whispered.

Ed mumbled something and went back to sleep.

I grabbed my keys and went to my car. 


A few minutes later I pulled up to Wayne Manor.

I stepped out and smiled remembering how Batman saved my life.


I walked down an alley and shivered. If I'd know that Gotham would be this cold I might not have run away...who am I kidding I still would have. I was so sick of the teasing and my stupid dog and my parents who kept trying to get me 'help'. But now I'm free! Away from everything. I was currently walking to Jokers club. I had never meet the guy but I had always admired him. He was insane and he just embraced it. And I mean come on, he's bot. The face, the eyes, the muscles. I could hear music in the distance so I know I'm close! Maybe I'll actually get to meet the Joker. As I was daydreaming someone suddenly grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. Soon a man began to go through my purse and found my wallet full of cash. His eyes grew wide at this."Hello beautiful." The man said. I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or the money. "So...are you a virgin?" The man asked pocketing the money. "What? Y-Yes, I'm only eighteen!" I said not knowing what to do. "Ya never know now a days!" The man said still going through my bag. I tried to escape but he kept one hand on my neck. I screamed out for help but the man punched me in the gut. Right as the man finished with my purse and turned his attention to me a black figure swooped down from a building hitting the man in the back of his head. I collected all my things as Batman took care of the guy and then made sure I was alright. After this Batman took me to Wayne manor.  I told him my story, he told me his. A few weeks later when Bruce and Alfred thought I was asleep I heard Bruce say he was going to take me to Arkham Asylum. I owed this man but I wasn't going to any asylum, so I threatened to tell everyone his secret. Bruce could have easily taken me to the Asylum, but he was too kind. He gave me some extra cash, his phone number just in case, and let me leave.

A sharp, cold breeze hit me breaking me from my trance.

I began walking to the door and when I arrived I rang the door bell which was soon answered by Alfred.

"Alfred!" I said hugging him.

"Hello, Ms. Nashton." Alfred said hugging back gently.

"You're the second person to call me that in the past 24 hours!" I said throwing my hands up.

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