Fight W/Batman

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Jokers laughed echoed through the halls at my joke.

"Alright, alright. It's not that funny." I said smiling.

I looked over at Frost and Zsasz who were both smiling a bit.

"Hm...apparently it was." I said shrugging.

Suddenly a black figure swooped and landed on Joker and began to choke him.

"J!" I yelled.

I ran over and kneed Batman in the stomach which made him fall over.

I grabbed Joker hand and helped him up.

"Thanks, hot stuff." Joker said and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to see that Batman was no longer there.

I turned to Zsasz and Frost but they weren't there either.

"Seriously?" I yelled throwing my hands up.

"Where are they?" Joker asked looking around.

"Maybe if you hadn't been flirting with me we would know!" I said turning back to Joker.

"I can't help it." Joker said smiling down at me.

"Whatever. We've got to focus. Right now our weakness is the fact that we're arguing but we can't have a weaknesses so you have to put aside the feelings in your crotch and I have to put aside the feelings in my fists to collide with your face." I said smiling at the last part.

Joker gave me a look to which I returned one.

"Alright Batman, come on out!" I yelled.

"I don't want to hurt you, (Y/n)." Bruce said from somewhere above us.

"And I don't want to reveal your identity because you know how useful that piece of information would be to my friend here." I said pointing to Joker.

A smile broke out on Jokers face.

"Ya know Batsy, I think you should stay right where you are cause I would love to know who you really are. It would give me so much more free time to chase after sweet (Y/n) here." Joker putting his hand on my waist.

Suddenly Batman swooped down again to hit Joker but this time Joker was ready.

Joker jumped out of the way but Batman still landed safely on the floor.

"Don't lay another hand on her." Batman demanded in his deep voice.

"Wow, I feel so honored. I've never had two guys fight over me before." I joked, putting a hand on my heart.

They both looked at me.

"Oh yeah...Zsasz and Jonathan... okay well this is still only the second time." I said lowering my hand.

They then both tilted their heads.

"Okay it's been more then that...I was just trying to make this a nice moment but never mind." I said raising my hands.

Just as Batman was about to get up Frost and Zsasz came at him from behind.

Frost grabbed Batman's arms and pulled him down as Zsasz jumped on top of him. Frost held him down while Zsasz punched him.

"Alright, alright! Settle down vicious." I said putting a hand on Zsasz's shoulder.

Zsasz stopped and wiped the blood from his hand on his suit.

"Good job you two." I said smiling looking at both of them.

I bent down in front of Batman.

"What should we do with you? Hm.... I know! I'm gonna leave this up to Joker." I said looking over at him.

"Really? Well I don't know if I can think of anything off the top of my head I mean you've caught me so off guard.... Oh who am I kidding I've got a plan already." Joker said smiling and rubbing his hands together.

I laughed and leaned down.

"Don't worry I won't let him kill ya. You know how sad Alfred would be, I could never do that to him." I said so only Bruce could hear me.

I stood up slowly and walked over to Zsasz who held out his arm for me which I gladly took.

"We'll be back." I said smiling and waving to Frost and Joker.

"Bring me a straight jacket!" Joker yelled as we turned the corner.


"That was quite the performance back there." I said smiling as Zsasz and I walked through the Asylum.

"Well I figured you could take him down yourself but you probably wouldn't want to." Zsasz said.

"Wow that was a lot of words from my silent psychopath. But yes, you're right. Batman has saved my life and we're sort of friends, so naturally you could see why I don't enjoy hurting him." I said looking over at Zsasz a couple of times.

Zsasz smiled at the first part.

"You know you should smile more, it looks good on you." I said honestly.

"Is that a suggestion or an order?" Zsasz asked raising a nonexistent eyebrow.

"Yes." I said now smiling.

Zsasz shook his head and chuckled.

"We better head back, don't want to make Joker too jealous." I said nudging him in the side softly.

"I suppose so. Don't forget, he needs a straight jacket." Zsasz said nodding to a near by empty cell.

"Oh, right. What would I do with out you?" I said and went into the empty cell.

Luckily there was a straight jacket on the table. I grabbed it and walked back with Zsasz.

When we turned the corner I saw Joker talking to Batman.

"Leave the poor Bat alone, J." I said a bit sadly.

He turned around.

"We were just having some fun, right Bats? Ah, the jacket. Thank you, my dear." Joker said as I threw the jacket towards him.

He caught it with ease and slipped it on Batman.

"Tape." Joker said and Frost handed him a strip of duck tape.

He then put the tape on Batman's mouth and stood him up.

Bruce was watching at me the whole time, his eyes starting into my soul.

I put my head on Zsasz's shoulder for comfort and he put his arm around my waist.

"Alright Batsy, ready to go for a swim?" Joker asked smiling.

"Be careful, J." I said looking sadly at Batman.

"Don't worry Alpha, he'll be fine and you know it. Besides I could never kill my worst enemy! What would I do with my life then?" Joker rhetorically asked whilst smiling.

Zsasz and I began walking to meet up with my boys to see if they found anything while Joker and Frost began to take Batman to J's Lamborghini.

For a second I looked back at Joker who at the same time glanced back at me.

I smiled a bit and he winked at me before we went our separate ways.

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