Big Bro

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"Good job tonight everyone!" I yelled.

We were back at the wear house, in the main entryway to be exact.

"Watch the girl closely, if she does anything call me. I'll be at Riddlers if you need me." I said and walked out the front doors.

I felt the cold Gotham air hit my body as I walked to my red Lamborghini.

I got in and pulled out my phone.

10 calls from: Shit head (Joker)
1 text from: Shit head (Joker)

I opened the text message and read:
I know I'm an awful person but please forgive me. I know I don't deserve a woman like you, but I need you. You make me complete. I know I should never have been with Harley, but I was lonely! Don't worry though, I pretended she was you every time ;)

What a dick. I sighed shaking my head before getting back to the task at hand.

Message to: Big Bro
Hey! I'm back in town in case you hadn't heard. Anyway I thought I'd stop by and see you if that's alright?

I sent the message and waited a few seconds before getting a response.

Message from: Big Bro
You're back?! Sure come over when ever you like. I've missed you so much!  Have you gone to see that asshole Joker yet? You know he's got a new girl named Harley...

Message to: Big Bro
I'm coming over now. I've missed you too. Yeah I have. Yes, I know. I've actually got her locked up in wear house as we speak.

I put my phone down, started my car, and turned on the radio.

I sang the whole way and after about 5 minutes I pulled into the drive way of a little house.

I was about to get out when I heard my phone buzz again.

Message from: Bruce the Bat
I heard you're back in Gotham? I also heard you caused a scene at Jokers club. Better watch out for that Batman guy.

I laughed and responded.

Message to: Bruce the Bat
I'm back baby! Maybe I did, maybe I didn't... just kidding I totally did. He deserved it though. I see you haven't lost your sense of humor. Have you been giving Joker a hard time for me while I was gone?

I sent the message and locked my phone. I was about to put it in my pocket when I realized I still had on my sexy ass dress. My brother is gonna kill me. I sighed and stepped out of the car.

I walked up the driveway, to the door, and rang the doorbell. The door opened and I saw the smiling face of Edward Nashton also know as the Riddler, Ed Nigma, or just my brother.

"Hey, Ed!" I said immediately hugging him.

"Hey sis, I've missed you!" Ed said hugging me tight. "Did you see mom and dad on your little trip?"

"Yeah, unfortunately I did...can I come in please? It's freezing!" I said pushing past him.

"Of course you're freezing! Look at what you're wearing!" He said ushering to my whole body making me laugh as he closed the front door.

"I went and saw Joker today and I wanted to make him and his new girl jealous, so I wore this. But come on, I always wear stuff like this. Are you really surprised?" I said smiling.

Ed sighed and shook his head.

"I guess not." Ed said sitting on the couch. "So did you beat his ass for getting a new girl?"

I walked over and sat next to him.

"I didn't, I should have though. But that Harley, she's something. She like me, but stupid...and weak. She's too obsessed with Joker to the point that she's not her own person anymore. She's too focused on him which I'm sure isn't helpful when Joker takes her with him to do work....So I guess she's not like me. She did get in a good punch though, I'll giver her that. Anyway, do ya got any food?" I said walking to the kitchen.

"I'm sure there's something in the fridge. I see what you're saying. But come on, no one can live up to you! You're the Alpha. You don't need anyone to tell you who you are cause you know. You always have even when we were little. Plus you know who Batman is, so you've got leverage." Ed stated.

"Stop you're gonna make me blush." I said taking some chocolate ice cream from the freezer.

"Second drawer on the left." My brother called from the living room as I was looking for a spoon.

"Thanks, Eddy." I said opening the drawer and grabbing a spoon.

I walked over and sat back down next to my brother.

"So how's work been?" I asked.

"Good, it's been lonely with out my little sis. The Gotham news is boring without you on it all the time, but I did hear from the national news that you're quite the wanted criminal now and not just in Gotham." Ed said smiling his goofy smile.

"Oh Ed, you're such a flatterer. But yes, it's true." I said eating a big chunk of ice cream.

"So what did mom and dad say?" Ed mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Oh, um... well... they said that they were gonna call the cops, ya know to get me help, so I ran..." I said starring at the ice cream.

"I can't believe them! I just can't!" Ed yelled standing up, beginning to pace.

"Ed, you know they still love us they just don't understand so they try to 'help' us." I said air quoting when I said help.

Ed stopped pacing and looked at me.

"It's just not polite, (Y/n). They're our parents! They should love us no matter what. They should embrace us for who we truly are!" He said throwing his hands in the air.

"I know Ed, but they don't. They think we're damaged, crazy in the head, insane! Now I'm not saying we're not, cause we definitely are, but they just don't know how to respond... they just want us to be normal." I said taking another bite of ice cream.

"But we're not normal! We never have been! Ever since you were little you've been different. You never put up with anyone's bullshit and you've always had a temper, in a good way of course." He said pacing once again.

"And you with your fascination for riddles. Always asking them even if no one wanted to hear them, even though people bullied" I said staring at the ice cream again.

"Riddle me this...what has many keys but can't open any doors?" Ed asked.

"Ed, you know I'm awful at riddles." I said giving him a look but I couldn't stay mad for long.

"A piano!" Ed said smiling.

I shook my head as Ed sat down next to me.

For the rest of the night we talked as siblings do.

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