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"So is Harley finally at Belle Reve?" I asked.

"Yes, but I don't know for how beat her up pretty bad, mentally and physically." Bruce said.

We were currently walking around in the garden at Wayne Manor.

"I did what I had to." I said looking over at Bruce.

"In your opinion yes, but in others maybe not." Bruce said continuing to look forward.

I looked forward as well, sighed, and rolled my eyes.

"If this is about Joker I don't wanna hear it." I said raising my voice a bit.

"He's not good for you. He's not good for anyone. You shouldn't even go near him yet that's all you seem to do." Bruce stated.

"I can handle myself, Bruce. I've got him wrapped around my finger, he's not gonna do anything to me. I've learned my lesson, alright?" I said looking at Bruce for a second.

"And what lesson is that?" Bruce asked although he already knew.

"That he doesn't care about my feelings. I don't think he cares about anyone's feelings or really anyone in general. I know you think I'm blinded by love but I'm not. I don't love him. Not any more. I haven't forgotten what he did. I never will." I said as a single tear fell down my check.

"I believe you. I just don't want you to get yourself hurt again." Bruce said noticing the sadness in my voice.

I wiped my tear away and smiled a bit.

"Oh, Brucey. You're too kind to someone like me. You should throw me in Arkham but you haven't." I said nudging his arm playfully.

"Well you do know my identity and I wouldn't want that getting out." Bruce said looking over at me.

I rolled my eyes.

I know I threaten him with the fact that I know his true identity but I would never actually put it out there. I just can't tell if he knows that or not...

"Well I better get going." I said, sighing.

"See you soon. Be careful." Bruce said.

I smiled and hugged him.

"Oh and thanks for the files!" I said as I walked off toward my car.

Earlier today Bruce had given me the info about Task Force X in the form of files.

I hopped into my red Lamborghini and drove home to study the files.


"Zsasz!" I called.

"Yes?" Zsasz said peaking his head in my door.

"Could you get me something to drink?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course." Zsasz said and hurried away.

"Thanks!" I yelled.

I continued looking over the files, I only had two left thank god.

I was on the last one when Zsasz walked in.

"Thank you so much." I said as he walked over to my desk.

"Anything for you." Zsasz said placing a cup of hot chocolate down in front of me.

"My favorite!" I said smiling.

Zsasz smiled when I said this which made me smile wider.

I'm the only one who can make him smile so it's nice when he does.

"So...what have you got there?" Zsasz asked serious again.

"Just some stuff on Task Force X." I said sipping my hot chocolate.

"Interesting...but why?" Zsasz asked.

I chuckled.

"Because, my dear, once they see our little friend Harleen is useless they will come after me, or at least that's what I assume. You see since two of the members died on the last mission and now Harley is useless they will need someone that is overly qualified. Someone such as myself." I said showing Zsasz the crossed out pictures of El Diablo and Slipknot.

"Makes sense." Zsasz said nodding.

"You are a man of very few words." I said shaking my head and laughing lightly.

Zsasz chuckled.

Yes, the insane murderer Zsasz just chuckled.

"I'll leave you to your work." Zsasz said his expression serious again.

"Thanks for the drink!" I said as he walked out the door.

I leaned back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair.

After a few seconds I sat up, took a sip of my drink, and looked at the last file.

Floyd Lawton
Alias: Deadshot
Sex: Male
Occupation: Assassin

I've heard of this guy before...he sounds like a total ass.

Almost never misses a shot. Is a paid assassin. Thrown in prison by Batman.

I laughed.

Of course he would be thrown in prison by Bruce!

Has a death wish. Cares more about dying in an awesome way than his freedom. Reason for this are unknown. One of the most dangerous assassins in the world.

Weakness: his daughter

I almost spit out my hot cocoa at this part.

His weakness is his daughter? Ha!

I wonder what people think my weakness is. Before it could have been Joker...but I don't think it would be anymore... right?

I suppose my weakness would be my brother Ed or maybe Bruce or Alfred. It could also be Zsasz or Jonathan. If I saw someone harm them I'd kick their ass.

After this moment of thought I put all the files back in their folders and put them in a drawer.

As I stood my phone began to ring so I looked to see who was calling.

Call from: Mother


"Hello?" I said answering the call.

" this the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nashton?" I heard a women ask.

"Um...yeah...who is this?" I asked.

"My name is Officer Delany, I'm calling because your parents were in a awful accident and unfortunately they couldn't be saved..." the Officer said.

" you, officer." I said and quickly hung up the phone.

I knew she would ask questions about what to do with the bodies and if I lived near by so I hung up because I didn't want to answer.

I stood for a second in shock. Then a sob escaped my lips.

Tears began to pour down my face as I ran to my car and speed off into the night.


I didn't even knock when I arrived at Jokers mansion I just burst through the doors.

"Ms. Nashton? What's wrong?" Frost asked walking over to me.

"I-I n-need J-Joker." I barley got out between sobs.

I saw Frost run away and soon saw a blurry Joker running towards me down the staircase between my tears.

I reached out for him and took two steps before I fell to the floor.

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