Chapter 1~The Journey Home

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Harry's POV
I leaned against the window in the front seat biting my nails.Jack was asleep and Sarah had just woken up.

"Where's mum"Sarah asked me.I didn't reply,all I did was glance back at her through the rear view mirror.

Suddenly the car unlocked and my mom got back in.She looked at me and then looked back at Sarah and Jack.

"Where are we"Sarah asked "Just anywhere, here I got you some breakfast" my mum replied handing a brown paper bag back to Sarah."Anything?"Sarah asked as she looked through the bag. "Anything"my mum stated with a grin.

"Mum,where are we going?"Sarah asked."Just on a little adventure" my mum answered trying to avoid telling Sarah the truth.I rolled my eyes at this statement.

"How long for,though"Sarah persisted "Just a little bit,now eat up I just need to get some petrol"my mum told Sarah as she steered the wheel.

She drove towards a petrol station.Instead of driving into the petrol station she turned onto the road.I looked over at her in confusion and then back out the window.

As we drove away from the petrol station I saw police officers filling their car with petrol.I suddenly knew why she wasn't going to get petrol there.
We drove for another 30 minutes or so until the car slowed down and my mum pulled into the side of the road."What are you doing"Sarah asked.

"Running out of petrol"my mum said banging her hands against the steering wheel."Why didn't you get some"Sarah said "Because I forgot"my mum answered getting annoyed.

"No you didn't we were right there I just.."Sarah persisted. "Sarah" my mum interrupted angrily.

Suddenly a car beeped and a blue car drove up beside us with a middle aged woman with brown hair and a fringe in it.She smiled and looked as if she wanted to speak to us.

My mum rolled down the window. "You having a spot of trouble"she said in an annoyingly cheery,chirpy voice "Oh I see you've got your babies with you mine's at home in his cage,he's a cockatoo" she continued.

I leaned back and rolled my eyes.I could just hear my mum whispering very quietly 'Oh my God'."Are you French,I saw your reg"after that she said something in French and said what it was handy for.

"We're not French"my mum said trying to act friendly but I could tell she was stressed."You need a lift"she asked finally getting to the point of this whole conversation."No thank you"my mum insisted.

"Are you sure?"the woman said slightly taken back by my mother saying she didn't need a lift."I'm sure"my mum replied.

The woman weakly frowned and then slowly drove away and my mum pulled back up the window."What did you do that for?" Sarah said.My mum sighed.

"Wake Jack up"she said as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. She walked around to the back of the car and opened the boot and started rummaging for something.

Sarah turned around in the back seat "Mum we're both freezing"she complained. "Yes,alright Sarah"my mum replied."Mummy I'm freezing"Jack said copying Sarah.

"Just put the heat on"Sarah whined."I can't put the heat on because the car won't start"my mum answered her as she got more and more irritated. "You should have got some petrol" Sarah groaned as she sat back down.

Sarah then opened her door and got out of the car,I quickly did the same to attempt and help her not to annoy mum too much.

"What are you doing?"she inquired.
"Get back in the car please Sarah"my mum replied giving her dagger eyes.

I saw the woman from earlier walking back towards us with her car parked behind her."Are you absolutely sure your sure?,I'm going your way?"She asked.Sarah picked up the carrier bag and walked towards the woman.

My mum sighed and slammed the boot,I quickly got my light backpack out of the car and put it in my back."Come on please,Jack"my mum said getting him out of the car.

I waited and then walked alongside her."Sarah, is really getting on my nerves,her attitude is terrible"she said in a low tone as we walked towards the car.

Cains POV
"So,come on then who are her mates?" Charity asked me."I don't know"I replied."Wow,great dad"she said sarcastically."Well your her mum why don't you know"I inquired.

"Girls confide in their dads,boys confide in their mums"she said in a smart tone."Who are Noah's mates then eh?"I asked her.

"Am the tall one from the shop"she said trying to think "Jason"I said."Yes"she said as if she knew "His names Jacob"I replied."Oh bonus round to you,this is really helping us find her"Charity pointed out sarcastically.

"Well she could be anywhere"I said."Well what are we going to do about that"She asked."I don't know"I replied with frustration.

"Hey"Sammy said bursting through the door "Who wants a surprise?"."Oh go on then you've got your underpants on the right way round"Charity said.

"No,well I mean yeah,I reckon so?"he replied.
"Oh Sammy we're a bit stressed here we are kind of in a crisis"she told him."What crisis"he asked.I frantically searched through the notebook.

"You must have some numbers?"I asked Charity again."No,I haven't"she said frustrated."What numbers?" Sammy asked with still no idea what was going on.

"Debbie's mates,do you have any of Debbie's mate's telephone numbers" she asked him."Why don't you ask her yourself" he answered pointing to the door.

Charity looked at me with confusion on her face "because Sammy and I know counting isn't your strong point but Debbie isn't here"Charity told him."Yes she is"he said as the door burst opened.

"Someone needs to give me a lift fast"Debbie said as she burst in.Sarah and Jack ran to Charity and Debbie pulled Harry in "Come on"she said.

Harry looked at me with the worried eyes."Oh no"I thought what now.

Harry Dingle~The returnWhere stories live. Discover now