Chapter 18~The confession

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Another 30 minutes passed and I was ready to kill someone.

"Oh come on this is getting stupid now"I declared standing up.

"Oh Harry sit down!"My mum told me.

"Why are we even here"I whined.

"Harry just listen to your mum alright.We don't need the added agro"My grandad Cain said.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.The nurse then finally told us we could go see Faith.She showed us to her room and Sarah went through the door first as we all followed.

"Have they made you better"She asked Faith before sitting on her bed while everyone stood around the bed leaving a generous space in between except Chas who stood near the corner of the room.

"I'm still waiting for the results of my blood tests,love"Faith replied.

"I've had loads of tests"Sarah told her.

"I know you have"Faith informed Sarah.

"Oh yeah,how's that"Charity asked waltzing over to Faith.

"I keep tabs on ye,ye made not think that I care but I do"Faith stated.

"Nothing demonstrates that more then spying from a barn" Chas said.

"What were you doing in there?"My mum questioned.

"My God,you've come on a bit since I last saw you.How many hearts have you broken?"Faith said changing the subject.

"Oh it's usually the other way 'round actually" My mum pointed out.

"Isn't It always"Faith smiled.

"Is that why you're here eh?You've been chucked and you need somewhere"Cain inquired.

"If I came here every time I've been let down like that I'd have a loyalty card by now"Faith choked.

"No I'm not young,I'm not healthy and I'm not a part of my family's life.I can't do much about the first two"Faith continued until Chas interrupted saying "You don't get a say in the third."

"I just wanted to come and see you all"Faith sighed.

"Well we don't live in a barn"Chas contradicted.

"Yeah and Doug said you had your bags packed when he found you so?"My nan Charity stated.

"I chickened out,thought the reception might be a bit frosty.Goodness knows why."Faith confessed.

"No,you were running away with the cash you made a little girl steal for you"Chas said.

"She didn't make me"Sarah told her.

"I got about 60 quid how far do you think I was going to get with that?"Faith asked.

"Quite a long way on a bus"Chas sneered.

"So where do you live in real life?"Sarah questioned Faith.

"Well nowhere now love,I suppose"Faith admitted.

"Oh there we have the real reason"Chas said pointing at Faith.

"Can she stay with us?"Sarah asked my mum.

There was a pause.My mum looked at my dad who was telling her no with eyes.

"Please don't tell me you considering this Debs"Chas gasped.

"Please mum,Please grumpy(my grandad Cain)"Sarah begged.

"Teas hot!"Sam said as he barged in with teas in his hand.

Harry Dingle~The returnWhere stories live. Discover now