Chapter 7~Chats.

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Debbie's POV
Jack and Sarah had gone to feed the pigs with Zak and Lisa.Harry was asleep on the couch under a duvet where he had spent the night due to the lack of room so me and my mum and dad had a conversation about Sarah.

"So when did she get a diagnosis?"My mum said with yawn.

"Oh I'm sorry are we keeping you up?" my dad asked her.

"Oh come on I'm coming down after a tranq hangover here?"She answered as I sat down at the table with my dad.

"A few weeks ago"I told her "They want to start treatment as soon as possible. Radio Therapy,even worse than before".I added.

"Is there any other option"my dad asked.

"There's a new type of radio therapy. Proton beam.It's more focused,less side effects"I said.

"Right well we will get her on that then" my mum said.

"The doctor we've been seeing says she won't be offered it because of her prognosis"I told them.

"Well we'll see someone else then,get a second opinion"she replied.

"Oh Don't you've think I've done that already,believe me they're all saying the same thing"I snapped.

"Is that why you want the money,to go private?"my dad asked.

"With what was in the car plus what we have left from the garage and mulberry we'd almost be there,now we're just back to square one"I sighed "Ye both saw how ill that chemo made her.When it was at it's worst,she'd plead with me,beg for me to make it stop and there was nothing I could do.There's just no way I'm putting her through that again".

"Hey"my mum said as she put her arm around me.I leaned in to her and closed my eyes.I thought to myself 'I'm so glad to be home'.

Charity's POV
I was set at the table beside Cain.Debbie had fallen asleep behind Harry on the couch and she had her arm over him.

"I wish she had come to us sooner"Cain said

"Yeah because she's always been good at owning up,is our Debs"I replied

"I should've been there with her"Cain said sadly.

"What instead of mooning round here for Moira"I asked him "Right then, there you've just done your little blaming yourself thingy"I added

"Well,I'm blaming you and all"He told me.

"Course you are,Course you are why break the habit of a lifetime"I said sarcastically "Look all I am saying is forget that now because what's done is done.We need to work out what to do next".

"We do what every it takes"Cain replies.

"Agreed,Right but I mean she hasn't even seen the specialist over here yet,we can't let her panic and do anything stupid".I told him.

He let out a stiff giggle."Says the woman who shot herself in the neck with a tranq gun".

I stared at him "We can't let her do more stupid things until we are positive we are doing the right thing for Sarah and then we do whatever it takes" I whispered to him.

Harry Dingle~The returnWhere stories live. Discover now