Chapter 22~To Prague?

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We were waiting for our flight to be called when Ross took Jack to the bathroom.It had been ten minutes since they left.

"Where is Ross and Jack.He's probably playing with the dryers"My mum worried.

I grinned at the thought of that."Why don't you just take him home"I said losing my grin.

"Harry will you stop that please!"My mum warned me.

"Kids can fly on their own and I'm old enough" Sarah suggested.

"Yeah with a chaperone and their mum or dad waiting on the other side"My mum told her.

"Well I'll just say that"Sarah answered.

"And I'll be her chaperone"I added.

"No.Not happening.Not in a million years"My mum snapped.

"We'll be on that plane in an hour just concentrate on that.What film are we going to watch"My mum said as she rummaged through the bags with worry.

"It's a movie call Prison mum and it's a movie about a girl and her mum gets arrested at the airport and sent to prison and her three kids have to grow up without her.Plus it's even more tragic cuz the little girl has cancer" Sarah mocked my mum as she was now on the floor pouring out her handbag searching for whatever she was looking for.She looked crazy with panic.

Suddenly,My grandad Cain and Faith appeared.I breathed a sigh of relief but I also rolled my eyes at the sight of Faith.She moved into moira's with us a couple of weeks ago but today she was moving out because my mum said we needed space.Sarah and Jack love her but me not so much.

"Are you looking for these?"Faith said holding up our boarding passes.

Sarah ran and hugged my grandad."I don't know what to do"my mum said close to tears.
Eventually Ross and Jack returned from the bathroom.By this time my mum had got herself together and was sitting on a chair with my grandad beside her.Faith had disappeared and I had ended up holding the boarding passes.

We were all in silence until an announcement was made saying "Can any passengers travelling on flight C3657 to Prague please make your way to gate 10 now".

My mum now rose to her feet and began to walk over to where I was standing."Give me the passes"She told me as she walked.

My grandad followed her and stood slightly in front of me as if he was protecting me."Debbie, you can't do this!If you go through that gate now you'll get arrested or when you come back. I suppose you could always stay in Prague I mean how is your cheque coming along"He said mocking her plan.

"Dad just stop it please"She replied.

"Your Dad was right.Getting you that passport was a bad idea"Ross admitted coming over.

"Stay here.Talk to the police.Just get them off your case so it's all gone away by the time Sarah comes back"My grandad stated trying to reason with my mum.

She paused for a minute before trying to grab the passes "Sarah come on.Harry just give me the passes!".As she went to grab them my grandad pushed her away.

"No I'm going with Granny Faith"Sarah decided.

Suddenly Faith cane running back breathless.
"Ohhhh I've just checked in.How fit am I going to be after two months of looking after you young lady!Eh you can tell moira I've found a good use for her money"She exclaimed.

I furrowed my brows with confusion.'What is she going on about'I thought before snapping back into real life.

"Sarah"My mum said softly.

"She's family"Sarah declared before looking at me "But you have to look after mum while I'm gone just stop her worrying about me".

"How am I going to do that?Eight weeks of treatment I should be with you"My mum said.

"I made you a promise Debbie I won't let you down"Faith reminded my mum.

"Mum"Sarah pleaded.

"Ok.Right you do the first few days.A week tops then me,Chas and your nan Charity take turns ok?"My grandad said taking charge.

"We're going to need a bigger hotel room"Faith joked with tears in her eyes.

"Sarah I'll phone you everyday"My mum finally gave in putting her hands on Sarah's shoulders.

"Send me photos of the boys"Sarah asked as she began to cry.

"Listen to me.Your my big brave girl ok and I love you"My mum reassured her.

"I love you too"Sarah replied as they both hugged while crying.

After a couple of seconds,Sarah picked up her bags and her and Faith started walking towards the gate.

I welled up because I was sad that my little sister had to go through this without all of us but I knew it was the best thing for her.

She turned and waved before they both vanished into the gate.

"I'm the worst mum"My mum stated as she started bawling her eyes out.

"No your the best because you let her go"My grandad assured her while hugged her.
I decided to go back to the village with Ross in his car rather than with my mum,Jack and grandad because it would've been too depressing and aggravating.

I got into the front passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

"Steady on mate you nearly took it off its hinges"Ross told me putting the keys on the ignition.

"Your a mechanic aren't you.You could fix it."I spat.

"Are you alright bud?"Ross asked with concern.

"I just can't believe my mum would be stupid enough to even think of this little plan let alone carry it through.She's such a -"I began venting my anger towards her to Ross.

"Woah listen I'll stop you there.I know your a little bit annoyed at your mum right now"Ross started.

"Very annoyed"I added.

"Ok well very annoyed but listen you need to man up and put that anger and irritation in a jar and put a lid on it alright because right now your mum needs you to support her"Ross informed me.

"Why should I?"I groaned.

"If not for her then for Sarah"Ross begged.

"Fine"I huffed "But it's not going to be easy"

Just wanted to thank everyone for the support and if you want to see more of something in particular (eg.arguments, romance,trouble.....)please comment your suggestions and I will take it onboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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