Chapter 19~The warning

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We got back to Moira's at about 10:20.My Uncle Sam dropped me and Sarah home while my mum,Faith,Cain,Charity and Chas went on to the pub.

My gran Moira has been babysitting Jack and both of them were already in bed when we got in.

I went straight to the fridge and got out the milk.I flicked off the lid and took a drink from the carton.

"Ew that's disgusting"Sarah stated as I closed the milk back up.

"A growing lad like me needs his calcium"I replied.

"Other people drink out of that"Sarah said as I shoved the milk into the fridge.

"Oh whatever we're all related"I scoffed.

"We can still spread bacteria"Sarah declared.

"Oh well would you look at Albert Einstein, mum said straight to bed she'll be back to check on you soon"I told her.

"Fine"She moaned walking towards the stairs.

"Night rat!"She said.

"Night swat"I replied.
"Get up"I heard my mum shout before opening my bedroom door and repeating herself until I actually listened.

I got dressed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I saw my mum,Moira and Jack.

"Morning"My gran Moira chimed.I groaned in response.

"So where is she staying"My gran continued talking to my mum.

"Oh in the B and B,my dad gave her some money for it." My mum replied.I figured out they were talking about Faith.

"How long is she staying there"My gran questioned.

"I don't know 4 days maybe more"My mum said.

"Well that's four too many"I said pouring a glass of orange juice and grabbing a slice of toast.

"Harry.don't even go there"My mum warned me.

"What!she's no good for anyone"I stated.

"I can't deal with you right now!SARAH"My mum said to me before screaming upstairs to Sarah.

"Why is Grandad even giving her money,she's a complete waste of space"I exclaimed.

"Right get into the car now!"My mum told me sternly while giving me dagger eyes.

"Fine"I answered grabbing the keys off the table and heading out to the car.
I had gotten the bus back from school and I just said bye to some of my mates as I walked towards the pub.

As I walked I spotted Samson being pinned against a wall by some chubby, guy.

"Oi"I shouted beginning to run over to them. "Get off him".

"And what's it to you"The guy pinning Samson up asked me.

"He's family that's what"I told him before pulling him off Samson and putting him up against the wall.

"Let go of me"he screamed.

"Oh what's wrong,you don't like the taste of your own medicine,well by the looks of it you like the taste of everything.I mean you must be 7 times the size of an average kid your age"I spat at him.

He didn't say anything he just stared at me with sadness and helplessness in his eyes.

"Now I suggest you run along before I hit you so hard you'll see stars for the rest of your life"I threatened letting go of his shirt collar.

The boy began to run away."Oh and Augustus Gloop called he wants his belly fat back"I shouted after him.

He kept running.As I watched him go I saw my step-mum Victoria standing at the entrance of the pub staring at me.

I rolled my eyes 'great that's all I need' I  thought to myself.

"Come on"I said to Samson who was slightly embarrassed.We began walking back to the farm where both of our houses were situated.

"Harry"Victoria shouted as I walked.I looked back "I think we need to talk"She told me.

"Soz.I'm a bit busy right now but I'll check my schedule and see if I can fit you in another time"I answered hurrying away while dragging Samson along.

When we reached the country road I slowed back down."So what was all that about?"I asked Samson.

"Nothing"Samson shrugged.I chuckled."What's funny?"Samson questioned.

"That's exactly what I say to my mum when she asks me about something I don't want to talk about"I revealed.

"Fine,remember awhile back when you told me to be cool,calm and straightforward with girls" He reminded me of our little man to man chat.

I nodded."Well I started talking to this girl at lunch and she seemed pretty keen but when I got off the bus Russel,the guy you scared off, pinned me up against the wall and started saying that he called dibs on her and if I talked to her again he'd beat me up when no one was near"He revealed.

"Ah,I see.I like to call that the jealously infection.That is when someone is jealous because someone they like,likes you more"I stated.

"So what do I do?"Samson enquired.

"I don't think he'll hassle you anymore and if he does you come and tell me and I'll sort him right out"I answered.Samson smiled at me.
I dropped Samson off at Zak and Lisa's before going back to my nan Moira's.

When I got in my dad and Victoria were sat on the kitchen table.

"Alright"I said putting my schoolbag down.My dad looked angry.

"Ok let's just get this over with"I stated.

"What are you doing going around threatening people for,aye?"My dad questioned with fury in his voice.

"He was threatening Samson"I defended my actions.

"Oh that's fine so don't worry about it"My dad said sarcastically.

"Ok if you insist"I replied heading out of the room.

"Oh no this isn't happening"my dad exclaimed standing up from his chair.

"What isn't?"I asked.

"This behaviour.The cheek,the violence,the lies.I'm not going to put up with it. You might have gotten away with it in France but you won't get away with it here"My dad answered sternly.

"What's that suppose to mean?"I enquired.

"Your mum,she told us about how you were in France"Victoria informed me.

"Oh really and what did she say?"I asked with annoyance.

"She said that you were a right little brat. Fighting,Stealing,constantly disrespecting her" My dad said furiously.

I smirked."So all this because I stood up for Samson".

"This isn't about that"Victoria began"It's about you and how we want you to act".

"And How is that?"I said.

"Nothing like the way you acted in France because if you ever even act half as bad as you did over there over here,I promise you'll be sorry"My dad said firmly and furiously.

I stared into his eyes showing no weakness.
"I mean it Harry.I won't tolerate it.Now go upstairs,Your mum has just gone to do the groceries,she'll be back soon"My dad finished.

In that moment I hated him and my mum but i didn't give my dad anymore back chat.I just went upstairs and played PS4 to take my mind off the warning.

Harry Dingle~The returnWhere stories live. Discover now