Chapter 14~The Fund

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Harry's POV
I was fast asleep when suddenly I felt a large thump on my stomach and heard Jack shout "Up,Up,Up".

I winced in pain "Ahh"I said quietly due to the fact I had just woken up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jack sitting on top of my stomach.

I nudged Jack to get off.I reached for my phone on the table and saw that it was 9:00.

"Ugh"I groaned as I turned to the back of the couch to try and get back to sleep.

Then my Great Grandad Zak started whistling loudly but I shut my eyes tight and tried to drown out the noise.

To make it worse my Grandad Cain had come down and started to make a brew so the ancient kettle was making tons of noise.

Then my gran-aunt Chas,walked in. "Morning"she chanted.

"That's it"I said getting up."It's 9:00, why are ye so lively and why are you even here"I asked Chas.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to visit my family without a valid reason and your permission"Chas replied.

"What's the matter with you"Zak enquired.

"He's moody because we all actually get up at a reasonable time and disturbed his beauty sleep"My Grandad Cain joked without cracking a smile.

"Haha"I laughed sarcastically.

"Your just as bad as Liv and Reece,I had to drag them out of bed for school this morning"Chas said.

"Yeah,well the sooner he goes back the better"my Grandad said signalling at me.

"Oh whatever"I huffed.

Just then my mum came down the stairs.

"Oh,your up"She said shocked.

"Yeah well not by choice"I said looking at everyone.

"Good cause I was going to wake you anyway.Sarah come on"she shouted up the stairs after informing me that she was going to wake me.

"Why"I questioned.

"Because I told Moira you would help out of the farm for the day"She informed me.

"You what?"I said in disbelief.

"You heard"she said.

"Why would you do that?"I asked.

"Well,I mean your not able to go back to school for at least another two weeks so I thought you could do something productive"She informed me.

"Are you actually serious,the farm"I said.

"What do you mean,Moira is your nan and plus it's better then you lazing around here all day"She told me.

"Mum I will work in the garage or the scrapyard or even collect glasses in the pub but please just not the farm"I begged her.

"Look,Harry I'm sorry but I already said you would work today so please just get ready and I'll drop you off on our way to the village"She told me.

"Mum,do I-"I started.

"Now,please"she said sternly.

"I don't believe this"I moaned.
Harry's POV
My mum dropped me at the farm and headed into the village to see Diane with Jack and Sarah.I walked into my nan, Moira's house.

There was no one in the kitchen. "Alright"I called waiting for someone to answer but no one did.I called again but still no answer.

I decided that I'd just wait here until Moira got back.I made a brew and sat down at the kitchen table,snap chatting mostly but no one I really liked was on because it was during school hours.

An hour had passed and Moira never came,I called her phone but it just went to voicemail so I just got up and began to walk back to Zak and Lisa's which was quite close.
Jack and Sarah were out with Zak. Diane was now in the kitchen/sitting room with me and my Grandad Cain.I was laying on the couch which was my temporary bed.

My mum came home."Where are they?"my mum questioned referring to Sarah and Jack.I knew that she'd been with Ross,I don't know how but I can sense it.I like them together.

"They're with my dad at the moment" he told her.

"What's wrong with you"I asked noticing she was unusually anxious.

"Um well,kid with cancer,can't get hold of her dad,no home,no job,take your pick really"She sighed sitting down on the arm rest.

I rolled my eyes."Listen"Diane started. "He's just wondering about you and Ross,why can't ye just ask questions in this household instead of brooding about it".she finished by looking at me

"She's as bad as me"I defended.

"Oh my god,do you ever just shut up?" she replied.

"Oh you two are just like how me and
my dad used to be,somethings never change"Diane stated."Anyway this will cheer ye up,I've set up a fundraiser page,I say I,it was Sarah mainly".She showed us all the page on her iPad.

"Oh wow"my mum said impressed.

"2 grand"Diane read the total "And do you know Louise who used to run the pub with me,she sent 100 pound all the way from Australia".

"I'll just refresh it it's hours old"she added refreshing the page "honestly people are so generous.."She gasped. "oh that can't be right"looking at the new total.

My eyes opened at the sight of the figures."20 grand"I said smiling.

"Now who's got 20,000 grand to spare" my Grandad enquired.

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