Chapter Four: Romeo and Juilet

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The whole way to school Maya was staring at her phone smirking. Josh hadn't messaged her since she was at her house but the effect he had on her was enormous. Riley was too busy staring at Lucas' face to realise anything was going on. She had brushed off Rileys questions that morning by telling her she had a great night with her parents. Of course being the trusting person she is she believed everything Maya said.

Maya, Riley and Lucas all walked into the school, finding Farkle and Smackle in the hallway on the way through. Everyone seemed like they were in such a good mood. Senior year was really agreeing with them. Although some of them had a bit more trouble with accepting the fact next year they would be separated. Farkle and Smackle would be at Harvard. Lucas would be going back to Texas and Riley had no idea about the situation she was going to find herself in.

They had Mr Matthews first. One of Maya's favourite classes she wouldn't admit that to him though. She loved annoying him.

"Hey Matthews what have you got for us today"

"Well Maya I see your still in a great mood. According to the curriculum it's time for all of you to read Romeo and Juliet. Does anyone know anything before you all begin to read the book...I'm guessing by the lack of hands nobody knows. Okay well read the book and I will give you the sheets to work with. We will probably go over it in about a months time"

"Really Matthews, you are giving me a book way to ruin my mood" Maya answered letting out a sigh.

The day seemed to go on and on. Maya was waiting for the afternoon. Just waiting to hear his voice. Maya and Josh would always talk on the phone. Some nights even falling asleep before hanging up the phone, the latest they had stayed up was 4am. Things were different now although before there conversations weren't always innocent. They would flirt and talk about all kinds of things. Just hearing his voice always calmed her down. She would always call him if she had a test the next day or if her friends had been in a small fight.

Meanwhile Josh had been sitting his dorm room constantly smiling. Andrew had been in and out all day but today was Josh's day off. He had told Maya that he would call her that afternoon and they couldn't  hang out because he had an assignment due. Although he decided to get up extra early that morning and finish them all off so he could pick his girlfriend up from school. He needed to see her and wasn't waiting another two days to see her. He had afternoon classes the next two days and it would be too risky for them to be out too late especially on a school night for Maya. Katy and Shawn always checked up on her before she went to bed on school nights to make sure she would be alright for the next day.

He took it his phone and texted her knowing that it was lunch time at her school.

Josh: Hey gorgeous, got up extra early this morning and finished my assignments. Want to hang out this afternoon? I can pick you up from that spot outside of school. x

Almost instantly Maya had texted back.

Maya:  Joshua Matthews did you do all that just so you could be with me this afternoon? Oh and of course pick me up and we can have another movie night x

Josh smirked. This was the Maya he loved to be around. Always the flirty type. Josh was a bit nervous about bringing her back to the dorm though. He didn't know how she would react to Andrew knowing and because of the bet that he was aware of between Andrew and Jasmine about when they would start dating he knew it was only a matter of time before he spilt it to her.

Josh made his way down to the school and waited out the front. Just like the day before Maya got into the car and kissed him, this time on the lips. He laced his fingers between hers before taking off to the college.

"Maya there is actually something we need to talk about before we get back to my dorm"

"What is it boing, you are scaring me"

"It's nothing major just Andrew is going to there today. He was there the other night when I got home. I was happy, he saw your books and kind of put it all together. He knows but he promised he wouldn't tell anyone"

"I assumed he would know anyway, it fine Josh this may help us out in the long run. Although I heard him and Jasmine one day. Pretty sure they were betting on us"

Josh smirked. He knew for a fact this was true. It was hard for Josh to concentrate on the road ahead with Maya sitting next to him. They made there way down to the dorm and opened the door.

"Well if it isn't Mr and Mrs Matthews" Andrew said smirking from the couch. Maya didn't hesitate to flip him off.

Maya and Josh were meant to be having a movie night but were making out most of the time they probably wouldn't be able to tell anyone what the movie was actually about. The whole time Josh's hand never left Maya's. They fell into a comfortable silence after a while and actually watched a movie. Maya's head on Josh's shoulder. It felt natural, like they had been together forever.

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter. Pretty insane I have over a 100 views when this story was just sitting on one chapter for over a month with 10 views. I was thinking of getting rid of it until some people asked for more. To be honest I had no idea where to go with this story and I still don't but hey I will just work it out as I go along.

Until next time 😀

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