Chapter Twenty-Six: One year

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It's seemed unbelievable to both Maya and Josh they had been together for a year. They hadn't got much time alone together since Valentine's Day a few weeks ago with both of them having exams they had to study for. Both of their parents were extremely serious about their grades and wanted them to focus.

Maya had told Josh she wanted something simple for their one year anniversary. So he kicked Andrew out of the dorm for the night and put fairy lights everywhere with Maya's favourite flowers. Jasmine helped set everything up so it was put out properly. They were having a movie night the year before when he finally worked up the courage to ask her out. Of course he had gone out to get tacos from Maya's favourite place.

He was willing to do anything so this anniversary went well for them. The last year had been difficult for many reasons but they were still together and that's all that mattered. Maya had no idea what they were doing that night. All Josh said was wear something comfortable and meet him at the dorm.

He answered the door and quickly put his hands over Maya's eyes and brought her into the room. He noticed in her hand she had an envelope he took it and placed it on the side. He took her right into the middle and removed his hand.

"Josh this is beautiful"

"Well I know you wanted to do something simple and this was the first place we kissed, we always watched our movies here and I asked you to be my girlfriend here"

"Well I love it. We had all of our firsts in here. By the way is that tacos I can smell"

"Well what else would I serve my incredibly beautiful girlfriend for dinner"

They sat down and ate their dinner how they always had with talking about random stuff. Maya would occasionally look down at her food or in another direction. Josh the whole entire time was watching her. To him she always looked gorgeous no matter what she was doing.

They made their way over to the tv and started the movies. If there was one thing they had always loved doing together it was a movie marathon. As they laid there Josh couldn't help but run his hands through her hair. Occasionally looking down at her and wondering how he had gotten so lucky.

Not long into the second movie that gotten a bit side tracked. Maya was becoming impatient in the make out session and quickly grabbed Josh's hand and took him over to his bed. Soon they were in the same situation they were in just a few weeks before. Both of them intertwined.

"I almost forgot I got you a present"

"I though we agreed Josh that we would just enjoy the night together"

"Well it's a bit special I spoke to your parents for the okay and I had to talk Shawn into it but he finally said yes"

"You aren't proposing are you?" Maya had mixed emotions she was a little worried but at the same time she would be excited.

"No. I mean not yet. I have decided that I'm moving into my own apartment. It's right near NYU so it will be close to both of us. I mean that's if that is the school you want to go to"

"Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Well yeah, I mean if it's okay with you. I really love you Maya and for me your it. I don't want anyone else, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and for me this is the next step. Maya will you move in with me?"

"Yes of course I will. I feel the same way and if you didn't snatch the envelope out of my hand when I walked through the door you wouldn't of side tracked me and you would already know that I got into the arts course I wanted to at NYU"

"Seriously" she nodded. "Well that's great babe, I'm so proud of you. How about tomorrow we go out tomorrow to celebrate"

"I'd like that but first let's go back to bed so we can cuddle"

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