Chapter Fifteen: Christmas surprises

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"My-my it's Christmas, let's go see Santa"

Maya's eyes fluttered open to see the three year old right near her face with a massive smile. At least one Matthew was happy to see her. They had been sleeping on the blow up mattress' on Morgans childhood rooms floor. Morgan was sitting in her bed concentrating on her phone. Maya assumed she was talking to her husband who had to work this Christmas.

"Hey El why don't you go and wake Uncle Josh up"

Ellie let out a laugh and grabbed Maya's hand. Of course she didn't want to walk. Asking for a piggy back ride and when Maya said no pouting. It was the same pout her boyfriend got on his face when he didn't get his way. They walked through the hall to Josh's room. Luckily for him he had gotten his own room by himself for the week. Ellie ran through the door and began to jump on his bed.

"Is that my Ellie girl" Josh groaned as he began to sit up. Ellie giggled and nodded. Maya loved watching the two of them together. It was no secret Josh was Ellie's favourite uncle. "Oh and there is my other favourite girl" Maya walked over and kissed him on the forehead.

"Come on Ellie, Santa has been" Auggie yelled from downstairs.

Ellie grabbed one of each of their hands.They made there was down the stairs to see Katy, Shawn, Morgan, Auggie, Cory, Topanga, Amy and Allen all waiting in the lounge room. Riley was no where to be found. Maya didn't really want to ask where she was. Today she was going to enjoy her day with the family that she had. She didn't need Riley's snarky attitude.

They sat around the tree and exchanged presents. Ellie not leaving Maya's side showing her every present that Santa had brought her. Auggie was excited about what he had received too. Each present from the family was a well thought present. Maya had hidden her present just for Josh in her bag. Josh had done the same. It was in his closet in his bedroom. While they thought no one was paying attention they had decided to go back upstairs and exchange their gifts.

Maya had bought a DVD set she knew Josh wanted for him as well as some shirts she had picked up. Josh picked out a necklace that he thought would suit Maya. She had always been so appreciative of anything he had gotten her over the past few years but this year was different. They were finally together. Sitting on his bed they had closed the door behind them. They kissed and as they deepened the kiss Maya began to take off his shirt.

"Your family is downstairs is this really a good idea?"

"You will just have to be quiet then won't you babe"

She laughed. Josh had taken off her shirt and just as he was about to kiss her again his door swung open. Standing there was a very shocked Morgan. Maya put her shirt back on but wasn't really sure what to say. That's now two people in the house that knew what was going on.

"Um Mom wanted you downstairs Josh, Maya do you maybe want to stay here and talk" Maya looked over at Josh. She nodded.

"Maya what's going on between you two"

Deciding the truth was best she started to explain. "Well we have been dating for seven almost eight months. We decided to keep it a secret because well the family is nuts. Nobody knows except Lucas and your mom actually said something yesterday"

"Wow. I mean I saw you guys together the past two days but I thought that was just to hang around with El. Are you going to tell everyone?"

"Well eventually but I don't know when, we haven't really spoken about that"

"Alright well how about tomorrow you guys take Ellie to the park so she can play with her new kite. Don't worry Maya your secret is safe with me. Just keep it G rated in front of my child please"

They went downstairs to see the table set up for Christmas lunch. Maya went and sat next to Josh. His hand was in her thigh under the table. He looked over at her with a small smile. He still had no idea what had been said between his girlfriend and sister. She gave him a smile back and nodded as if to tell him everything was okay. Amy was staring at them from across the table.

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